Page 228 of Wrecking Love

Ferris wheels, no.

I kept my hands shoved in my pockets as we made our way to the front of the corn maze line. I didn’t need anyone to see how bad they were shaking as my heart ran rampant in my chest. Fuck, I hated heights. And the stupid swinging of the Ferris wheel seat? Who’s bright fucking idea was that shit? My goddamn heart practically stopped trying to get through the whole fucking thing.

My brother fucking owed me one. Would’ve been easier to out his ass as a lying lumberjack.

“I love you,” Genevieve whispered. She slipped her arm through my elbow and kissed my shoulder. I grunted some non-distinct sound, grinding my teeth too hard to give a real answer. “What you did… it was very sweet.”

“I want to throw an ax at his stupid face,” I grumbled, staring at my brother’s back.

“Tell on him in sixteen years when it’ll have a bigger impact,” she suggested with that pretty smile of hers.

“You’re a devious little thing, you know that, right?” I said, making her giggle. I kissed her as the line moved enough for Declan to hand our tickets in. The ticket guy was overly cheerful for a guy stuck in the fucking cold taking slips of paper from someone. Still, I threw the kid a bone. “Nice costume.”

“Thanks, man!” he exclaimed from behind his wolf mask as he waved us inside.

“Do we not get maps?” Raven asked as the darkness swallowed us the further we walked down the aisle between tall stalks of corn.

“You give us small-town folk too much fucking credit,” I told her. “You think they’ve got time for shit like making us some fucking maps?

“Remember the year they forgot to make an exit?” Declan laughed.

“Fuck, there were like… what? Fifty of us? Maybe more? We all got fucking stuck in it,” I replied with a grin.

“I sat that one out eating funnel cake,” Genevieve chimed in. I couldn’t see her in the dark and could barely track her with the lack of heightened senses. Discomfort prickled down my neck and did something uncomfortable to my chest. Sliding my hand through hers, I hung on tight—maybe too tight. Just the thought of letting her go got to me.

“Why didn’t we get that option first?” Raven demanded. She let out a squeal and then a sigh. “Thanks, baby.”

“We’re two minutes into the damn maze, honey,” Declan said. “Be careful.”

“I can’t see my feet!”

“You’re not supposed to see your feet. That’s kind of the point,” I chimed in. “Turn left.”

“I think we should go right,” Genevieve replied.

“Why the fuck not.” Because who knew what the fuck we were doing. I was prepared for at least a good hour or two in the fucking maze. We had a rule. “Hey, did we tell Raven the rule?”

“What rule?” Raven asked.

“No wolf senses tonight,” Declan told her. “It defeats the fun.”

“But what if they forgot the exit?”

“Then we’re stuck in here all fucking night.” I chuckled. “You ever done it in a corn maze, horny villain?”

The literal oh she let out made me stop, bending over as I laughed. This fucking woman. She was a fucking riot.

We wandered for at least a fucking hour—none of us bothered to take out our phones. It was a fucking mess of wrong turns, bad jokes, Raven tripping over her own two feet more times than any of us could count, more bad jokes, a fuck ton of more wrong turns, me losing my jacket to my wife, and a growing belief that we were going to get stuck in the fucking maze.

“This is an a-maize-ing maze,” Raven announced, giggling through her own joke as I groaned. So fucking bad. “Get it? Because corn is maize—”

Declan shushed her loudly.

“It’s still as bad as it was the first time, honey,” he told her. We stopped at another crossroads, staring down each dark path. Everything looked the fucking same no matter where we went.

“Maybe next year we should help them with the fucking maps,” I muttered.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Genevieve asked, her teeth clacking slightly as she shivered. I ran my hands vigorously up and down her shoulders. She was too fucking cold. Fuck, even I was cold.