Page 229 of Wrecking Love

“What’d you do the year they didn’t make an exit?” Raven asked quietly.

“We made an exit,” Declan and I answered simultaneously.

“Okay, hold on.” I planted a soft kiss on Genevieve’s forehead before stepping away. “I’m going to glance down this way. Dec, you check that way. Ladies, you don’t fucking move. We’ll get this shit figured out.”

There was no fucking way we’d get this shit figured out.

“Don’t wander away,” Declan ordered. I started to say something when I realized that if anyone was going to wander away, it’d be Raven and Genevieve. Hopefully, the two of them were cold enough not to do shit until we fucking figured something out.

Counting my steps, I started down one path. The sensation of fear that trickled down my spine was fucking intense. The hollow spot in my chest only seemed to echo that feeling. The absence of my wolf weighed heavy on me. What I wouldn’t have given to lean into my wolf hearing to get us out of this fucking shit.

I kept in a straight line and walked further down until I came to another turn. And another road straight into the fucking darkness. I didn’t like it.

“It’s just a fucking maze,” I muttered. My hunter instincts were running high—the never-ending dark getting to my head. “Just fucking corn.”

A scream in the night made me turn. Loud and piercing. I whirled on my heels and reached for my gun but came up empty.

“Fuck!” I snarled. Taking off at a run, I rushed right back to where I’d left Genevieve and Raven. They were gone. My heart took off at a gallop in my chest, fueled by unreasonable thoughts. I shouted, “Genevieve?”



Again nothing.

“Declan?” I hollered louder. He’d hear me. He had to hear me. “Declan!”

The screaming grew louder and more intense. Dozens of other voices joined it. And I swore to fuck I heard Genevieve in there. It couldn’t be her.

It couldn’t.

I took off at a fucking run, my heart pounding as hard in my chest as my boots did on the ground. Every fucking turn led to another goddamn turn. It was endless.

And with every turn, the wails in the night grew louder until I felt them in my very bones. They threatened to shatter the very foundation in which I stood.

Another corner. Another turn. Another increase in screaming.

I rounded the next corner and stumbled over myself as I nearly ran into a wall of corn. Fuck.

I turned fast only to find my path gone, blocked by another wall.

Panic seized every cell in my fucking body.

Corn fucking everywhere.

Something heavy landed on my shoulder, and I rotated fast, grabbing the object hard.

“Hold the fuck up!” Declan exclaimed, a deep growl ripping through his chest. I halted short of wrenching my brother’s fucking arm off. Breathing hard, I stared at him in shock.

“What the fuck?” I demanded.

“I don’t know! You tell me!” he snapped. “You’ve just been standing here, staring at the corn. You good?”

“I… what?” I faltered, glancing out into the darkness. It was quiet, undisturbed. It was as if nothing had happened. “I haven’t moved?”

“No,” Declan said quietly. “You walked down this way and you’ve just been staring at the corn. Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I replied without thinking.