“Get the sedative,” Declan called after them.
“On it,” Sam replied.
“You have a sedative for her?” I demanded.
“It’s more like a horse tranquilizer,” he told me. “Her idea, not mine. She doesn’t trust her wolf when she’s sleepwalking. The only problem is we have to get close enough to stick her with it.”
That hit me in the heart a little for her. What a fucking awful way to live.
“Ah, fuck my life,” I grumbled. Of course, we had to. Note to self: buy a tranquilizer gun. It could go with all my other obscure weapons.
“You know more about this than I do,” Declan conceded. “How do we do this without hurting her?”
I scoffed, unable to help it. The not hurting her part was questionable. If her wolf was as angry a predator as everyone said, we’d have some issues in that department.
“How fucking scrappy are you?” I glanced at Cade.
“Distract her, got it,” he said under his breath and yanked off his shirt. “I can take her.”
“She almost ripped your arm off once,” Declan reminded him.
“She almost ripped your arm off and you were in wolf form,” Cade snapped. “I was in my fucking pajamas running down a hallway when she caught me by surprise. I won’t make that mistake twice.”
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered. “I’m—”
“Hey,” I interrupted with a reassuring smile. “I spent three days locked in a meat locker while an Unseelie tortured the fuck out of me. This? This is nothing, sweetheart. You’ll have to try real hard to top that.”
“Please tell me that’s not a true story,” Declan muttered.
“It was eight days, but who the fuck’s counting?” I replied quietly. I backed up further, making sure to drag Raven’s attention with me. “Keep walking this way, sweetheart.”
In slow steps, I led her across the fucking lawn. Cramming her wolf in the tiny fucking space between the porch and the table was a bad idea.
“Raven, sweetheart, right here.” I snapped my fingers as she closed her eyes, shaking harder. Fuck, she was trying so hard to fight a battle she wasn’t going to win. “Focus on me, okay? Can you do that? Focus on my voice?”
She managed the tiniest of nods even as she emitted a wicked growl. Fucking hell. I wasn’t sure I had enough time.
“I need you to think of a memory… something strong… something happy.”
“How the fuck are happy thoughts going to help her?” Cade demanded, but I ignored him. Her growls and snarls were becoming more frequent.
“Got a happy memory up there?” I asked. Another nod. “I need you to hold onto that thought, Raven, okay? Hold on tight. Fucking cling to it for dear life, okay?”
“Okay,” she whispered.
“And then you’re going to give in—”
“No!” She shook her head furiously, tears slipping down her cheeks. “Please, no—”
“You have to! You have to!” I rushed to explain. “If you don’t, your wolf will rip right through your humanity, and we won’t be able to get you back.”
“You can’t possibly know this!” Declan exclaimed. Jesus fuck, he never learned.
“It’s my job to know this shit!” I snapped. “Raven, I need you to do one thing for me, sweetheart. I need your permission to do whatever it takes to stop you—”
“Save her you mean,” Cade interjected.
“Stop you,” I repeated strongly. I gave Raven my full attention. I’d deal with the fucking peanut gallery after. “I can stop you, but it won’t be pretty—”