“You can’t fucking think I hurt her,” I snapped. I knew what the town fucking thought. “I wouldn’t lay a goddamn hand on her!”
“I don’t doubt that,” Sam said. “We all don’t. But, Killian, something fucking happened between the two of you.”
“If we knew, we could help,” Declan agreed. But he wasn’t the one I was focused on. My gaze settled on Nolan—quiet and in his head again.
“You know, don’t you?” I asked.
“Yeah, she told me,” Nolan whispered. “She got drunk one night and told me.”
“How much does she drink?” I wanted the answer to that fucking question. I knew enough to know it was more than she ever had before, but was it a fucking problem? Nolan glanced away. So did Finn and Lucas while Sam and Declan exchanged silent glances. “Jesus fucking Christ. And none of you thought to get her some fucking help?”
“Don’t you dare,” Nolan snapped. “You don’t have a say in—”
A horribly angry growl tore through our conversation. It rolled across my skin like razors and set my wolf on edge. We all turned.
Raven stood on the bottom of the porch steps with Declan’s birthday cake shaking in her hands. Another growl ripped through her, violent and threatening.
But it wasn’t the growling that worried me.
It was the swirls of purple magic lighting up her eyes and tracking its way through her veins.
Chapter 57
Iwas on my feet in a heartbeat. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Between the magic running through her body and the sounds Raven made, we were about to be in a fucked up situation.
“You’re going to drop the cake like that,” Cade said with a chuckle as he hurried down the steps. He caught the edge of the plate but froze as he saw her.
“Back the fuck up now, Cade,” I ordered. I began barking out orders before he could give me some smartass remark. “Inside, everyone. Now!”
Another somehow angrier snarl tore through Raven’s throat.
“Go, go, go.” I gestured wildly to my brothers and hoped to hell one of them would fucking listen. “Get your sorry asses inside! Now!”
“No,” Raven whispered, shaking her head. Poor girl was probably talking to her goddamn wolf. We had minutes before she fucking lost control.
“Raven. Look at me, sweetheart. Come on.” I did my best to pull her attention to me. Those violently purple eyes were as damn near off-putting as the sounds she let out. I motioned for her to step toward me. She needed to get away from the house. “Come on. Walk this way, okay? I’ve got you.”
“What the hell is wrong with her?” Declan asked.
“The hunter,” I whispered.
“They can control our wolves,” I reminded him. “Size and temperament wise, Raven’s an optimal weapon to use against the pack’s leaders.”
Which also meant the hunter had been watching us a lot more closely than I expected. I’d let my fucking guard down and missed it. If they knew that bit about Raven, there was no telling what else they fucking knew.
“I don’t want to,” she whimpered, her voice laced with fear and those eyes wide.
“I’ve got you, okay?” I told her and gave her the best reassuring smile I could muster—which was probably crappy as fuck. “Dealing with weird magical shit is what I do. You’re safe with me, okay? I’m going to do whatever the fuck I can to make sure you’re okay. Villains unite, right?”
She nodded but barely.
“Now, can everyone else get in the fucking house?” I snapped. “The less of us out here the better.”
Thankfully my brothers fucking listened. Only Declan and Cade stayed—not a fucking surprise there. I would too if I was in their place.