“Dee, get out here, there isn’t anyone outside and we’re taking her car. But first I’m going to make a call. Let my mother come help her favorite daughter—maybe Wolf will get to meet my mother.”
Willie dialed her parent’s house.
Her mother answered. “Mother, I heard from Roberta, she said you were on the phone and someone broke into her house. So she called me and I think you should go check on her. I’m going to a party so I can’t.” She hung up the phone and grinned at Deidra.
She reached under the kitchen sink, and grabbed two set of yellow rubber gloves and they walked out the door, leaving it unlocked.
“Deidra, put the rubber gloves on, we’re not getting caught for this. No fingerprints!” Willie slipped on the gloves, unlocked her door and unlocked Dee’s door, and tossed the bag with the tray in the backseat. She backed out of the driveway and drove down the street like she did it every day.
“Willie, do you know where we are? I have no clue except I saw a diner as we came down the highway.” Dee silently thanked her mother for looking over them.
“Of course I do, those nitwits should have blindfolded us, and we aren’t far from Dirty Deeds. I wish I knew the clubhouse number because my mother will report Roberta’s car stolen. If we could call them, they could meet us and we could ditch this car. I didn’t want to leave Roberta without medical attention for long though.
“Roberta isn’t going to give us up, trust me. She’ll protect Wolf and if my mother is there Wolf can’t hurt her more. I might hate Roberta but I don’t want her dead. I’ve got to figure out how to get to the clubhouse from the bar, see there is Dirty Deeds right there.”
She pointed to the closed nightclub. “Now I think, we go up here, take a right and go a few miles down this road. You look for the turn off road. We look like shit, but I’m sure Roberta has a hairbrush and makeup, check her pocketbook.” Willie concentrated on driving while Dee went through the pocketbook and fixed her hair.
“Damn Willie, we make a good pair, we get kidnapped and we beat up your bitch sister and drive away in style!” Dee sounded almost happy.
“We aren’t in the clear, yet, Wolf could have gotten home and be looking for this car, Dee. Look, it is the road to the clubhouse. Thank God. I’ll pull as close to the woods as I can. Keep that gun ready in case more of those nitwits are around. I never saw such stupid men.”
“I think my mother is my angel because Willie, usually women don’t get chances like we did. We were so damn lucky. As soon as we get inside we have to tell Jack and Black Dog, they’ve got to get rid of that car. Fix your hair; we look pretty decent for all we’ve been through. We’re going to walk fast and go right inside, ready?”
“I’m taking my tray and toss the rubber gloves in the bag after we slam the car doors. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be! Maybe they won’t notice we’re late?” Willie was hoping Black Dog would be in a good mood.
They opened the car doors and looked around, saw nobody was lurking around and headed toward the clubhouse door.
Black Dog was happy as hell and wondered where Willie was, she was late and he’d be adding being late was against the rules. Mad Jack was watching the door too. Being the new vice president felt damn fine and he wanted to share the news with Willie. He also had a property of patch made for her and he was claiming her as his ol lady publicly tonight in front of the whole club.
The door opened and in walked Dee and Willie, who was carrying a large shopping bag. He watched as they looked around uncomfortably. Mad Jack reached them first and Black Dog got thumped on the back and hugged as he made his way over to Willie and Dee.
“Black Dog, we’ve got trouble, I’m getting Darko. Take them into his office, this is some serious shit.” Mad Dog was furious.
Black Dog looked at Willie and noticed she was pale and shaking.”Come on baby, you and Dee follow me and we’ll fix whatever happened.”
He led the girls down a short hallway to Darko’s office. It wasn’t as nice as the office at Dirty Deeds but it had a couch and he motioned to them to sit. Willie was clutching that shopping bag tightly to her chest and he wondered what was in it.
“What do you have in the bag Willie? Let me see it, baby.” He spoke softly in a steady voice.
“It is my grandma’s sliver serving tray and I beat Roberta with it. I don’t want you to touch it Black Dog, in case I go to jail. I don’t want your fingerprints on it. If you want to see it, you have to put these rubber gloves on.” Willie was quite serious as she pulled the rubber gloves out of the shopping bag and held them out to Black Dog.
He looked at Dee who seemed shaken up too. “If I put the gloves on, I can pull the tray out of the bag?” He thought both of them were acting crazy but decided to do as she asked.
“Yes, Black Dog, I don’t want you involved really, but I need you to get Roberta’s Camaro out of here. I’m scared those Filthy Fiends might find it or the cops.”
“Willie, I’ll put the gloves on, baby you aren’t making a whole lot of sense here though.” Black Dog pulled on the rubber gloves and Willie gave up the bag. “Dee can you explain what the fuck is going on here and why you two are so late?”
The door opened and Darko and Mad Jack looked in shock at Black Dog wearing yellow rubber kitchen gloves as he pulled a heavy silver tray from the shopping bag.
Dee took a deep breath as she reached over to grab Willie’s hand. Letting it out she began to talk. “We left the Lodge and were going home to change before coming here. I guess the Filthy Fiends spotted Willie’s car because they forced us off the road. Willie’s car is on the side of the road not far from the Lodge, I dropped the keys in the grass, passenger side, I think right by the door.”
She watched as Mad Jack’s hand went into his pocket for some change and he went to the payphone hanging on the wall, just inside the door. She waited for him to come back to finish his call while Black Dog was looking at the silver tray. Darko was standing there looking at all of them. He walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a few shot glasses and began to fill them. He handed one to both girls who silently downed their drinks.
“I got a hold of Veiko and he’s sending someone out for Willie’s car. They’ll find the keys and drive it to the Lodge. Dee, continue the story, please.” Mad Jack sounded a bit calmer now.
Dee looked at him for encouragement and he moved to stroke her hair. Feeling his hand on her was all she needed. “Those bikers took us to Roberta and Wolf’s house. Roberta wasn’t too happy to see usorthem. They locked us in a bedroom, and the windows were nailed shut.
“Roberta let us go but wanted us to hit her, so Wolf wouldn’t think she let us go. Seems that tray, it was meant for Willie one day and she beat Roberta with it. I kicked the shit out of her kidneys but it got bloody because of that tray. Willie went a little crazy smacking her sister. Roberta wasn’t moving too much but she was breathing when we left her. So we stole her car and drove right here.