Careen and Mercy acted like friends and roommates, not her man’s other women. They were barely there and she felt as if she was truly making a life with Wolf.

How dare Willie try to ruin everything she was trying to accomplish? How did she know if it was true Wolf had told those bikers to bring Willie here?

Maybe Willie and her friend tricked them. Deep inside her head she knew her sister wasn’t to blame though and she needed to get her and that other girl out of the house before Wolf came home. She looked around the kitchen thinking.

Perhaps she could bring them food and they could make it look like they overpowered her. First she needed to see what her sister had to say for herself.

Willie and Deidra had tried the windows and they were nailed shut. They looked at each other and sat on the double bed.

“Damn it Willie, they took every pillow and blanket out of here or I’d have punched through the window!” Dee exclaimed.

“No chairs either but I was thinking maybe the closest has something in it. We’ve got to get out of here before Roberta goes nuts and shoots me. Did you see how crazy she looked?” Willie was more scared of Roberta now than ever.

Dee put her finger to her lips and whispered, “Shh, I hear someone coming down the hall.”

Footsteps stopped at the door and Willie and Dee looked at each other praying they weren’t about to be shot or raped.

“Willie! Come by the door, I need to talk to you. I don’t want you here and I’m getting you and your friend out.” Roberta sounded very calm.

“Roberta, you might shoot through the door, I am not going by it. Why should I trust you?” Willie called back.

“Here is the deal, I am going to make you and your friend something to eat and open the door. One of you will hit me and make it look like you both overpowered me. If you run out the back door and through the woods you’ll find the highway. Hitchhike the hell out of here and stay away from Wolf! Is it a deal?” Roberta was almost pleading.

Dee nodded at Willie and had some questions for Roberta. “What about the gun and Gimpy? Isn’t he outside watching the house? Are you setting us up Roberta?”

“Nobody is outside; they just said that, they’re at a meeting. I have a gun but I can’t shoot it. Willie knows that, ask her, I can’t even hit a target. You can knock it out of my hand and take it with you if it makes you feel safer.

“I love Wolf, I can’t share him. He is going to beat me when he finds I opened the door. You know how these men are, but I really love him. I’m going to make you food and open the door. You’ll have to trust me. Just don’t hit me too hard. I’ll be right back.” Roberta walked away leaving two stunned girls.

“You know your sister, is she being on the up and up here? I’m willing to take the chance if you are, because I’m sure it is the only chance we’ll ever get.” Deidra looked at Willie with concern in her face.

Willie thought long and hard. “She can’t shoot, that is true. If we get the gun I’ll feel safer. You get behind the door and grab her and we’ll beat the shit out of her so it looks like we really did lay a beating on her. I feel like hitting her for all the mean things she’s ever done to me. I don’t give a fuck if she is letting us free. She is a selfish rotten person and I say we get her really good!” Willie whispered to Dee.

They heard Roberta coming back and she was at the door. Dee moved so she would be behind the door when it opened, as they heard the key in the lock. Roberta was trying to balance a tray with food and get through the doorway.

Willie noticed the tray was her grandmother’s and she saw red. “How did you get Grandma’s tray? Roberta, why would you have one of our family heirlooms?”

“Mom helped me set up the house and I was always supposed to get it when I got married. I told her Wolf and I are getting married. I just need to clean him up a bit and get rid of those other two girls…”

Dee’s fist ended Roberta’s sentence and Willie grabbed the tray and began to beat Roberta over the head with the sterling silver tray. Food spilled on to the floor in different directions. Dee watched in amazement as Willie gave her sister whack after whack.

The gun was on the floor and Dee grabbed it and gave Roberta a good hard kick to her ribs. Roberta moaned and tried to turn over. That was a bad idea because it left her kidneys free for Dee to deliver kick after kick. One last smash to the face with the tray had Roberta’s nose pouring blood. Both girls stepped back and looked at Roberta who wasn’t moving.

“Willie, let’s get the hell out of here. I think you did enough damage with that tray and I kicked her so much she’s going to piss blood for days. Drop that tray and let’s head for the woods. Or do you think we should take her car?”

“I’m taking the tray, it wasn’t supposed to go to her, and I was named for my grandma, its mine. What if she was lying and Gimpy is out front? I say the woods and hitchhike. I’ll hit her pocketbook up for some money though. Stay here and watch her, I’d give her a few more kicks too.”

Willie moved quickly through the door and around the house. She found Roberta’s pocketbook and grabbed all the money and change and found the back door. She stayed away from the living room just in case Gimpy or Limpy whatever the hell his name was might be outside.

Willie walked back into the bedroom and Dee was watching Roberta, who still wasn’t moving. She picked up the tray and wiped it on the bed. She took one last look at Roberta and kicked her as hard as she could in her back. Not a sound came out of her. Roberta looked like she had been beaten up badly and Willie reached down and pushed her over. Both eyes were swollen and her nose was dripping blood. She turned her on her side and reached down for her hair. Grabbing it, she pulled it as hard as she could until she was ripping it out by the roots. Blonde hair lay in clumps on the rug.

“Willie, enough, already, we hurt her! We need to get out of here now and you’re going to have to hide that tray in the woods. We can’t be carrying a bloody silver tray with us!” Dee was shocked at how vicious Willie was being.

“Oh hell no, I’ll find a bag for it. I’ll be right back. I’ll wash the tray off in the kitchen sink too.”

She rinsed the tray off and decided to sneak to the window in the living room. Looking out into the dusk she didn’t see anyone there and decided they were taking Roberta’s car.

She grabbed Roberta’s purse so they could stash the gun and found a double handled shopping bag. It would serve Roberta right and they’d dump the car near the clubhouse or Black Dog would get rid of it.