She turned to Mad Jack, “I told you that some blonde was talking pictures didn’t I? Now we know why and Willie has no job teaching school and I doubt she will get one in this area. Try to be nice to her; we had to rush to see the priest so that Willie was able to get a letter of reference. Maybe she can find a new job, if that is what she wants… Roberta was hell bent on her being fired and Father Paul did Willie a huge favor.” Dee looked at the two angry bikers before turning on her heel and walking away.

She yelled back at them, “I’m making drinks and damn strong ones so when you’ve figured out only an emergency would make us leave, come inside.”

Black Dog had nothing to punch, which was usually what he did when he was angry, and looked at Mad Jack who put up his hands. “Nope, Black Dog, I’m not fighting with you. Dee did the right thing taking Willie, so control your temper. I’m going inside to see how Willie is doing. She must feel like shit.” Jack was sincerely concerned about how Willie was feeling.

“I need to take a ride and cool off, tell Willie I’ll be back in a half hour or so and to stay put. Don’t let her leave bro. I want a clean line to call Darko on and I need to think.” Black Dog headed for his bike and took off across the grass avoiding the crushed shell driveway.

Mad Jack decided he was going inside and call a paving company to come out to pave the driveway and in front of the garage. He would send the bill to his father. He took the stairs two steps at a time; he wanted that strong drink Dee promised.

Black Dog’s temper was at the boiling point.

He blamed himself for Willie losing her job. He never should have corrupted a teacher. His actions in the past all came to mind and he felt a bit sorry for all of the women who had thought they’d be his ol lady. He had just laughed and pushed them to his brothers.

Willie though, she was different. He cared a lot about her but didn’t want to rush things too fast. Willie, who’d been treated like shit all her life by that cunt sister, Roberta and didn’t deserve it. He pulled into the nearest payphone and it just happened to be in front of Sea Jewels. He looked into the window and saw a girl hold up a belly chain. She was showing a woman how different charms could be added to it. Willie needed that he decided and strolled into the store.

He walked directly up to the girl showing the chain and stated, “I want it, and every charm you’ve got.”

He pulled out his wallet and another employee hurried over. “Sir, we only have that one in stock but I can place an order for you.”

Black Dog glared at the woman looking at the belly chain. She looked somewhat familiar, too. “Lady, you’re far too old for that chain and unless it is a present for somebody else, you’ll look like a fool.”

The woman backed up and decided she didn’t want the chain. She left the store in a hurry with a red face.

Black Dog smiled at the sales person. “Now that the chain is available, I’ll buy all the charms, too. Make sure you wrap it all up nice and pretty and I’ll pay you.”

The two employees looked at each other and Black Dog explained. “My girl is sad and I want her to be happy, that old cow would have looked like a fool wearing a belly chain at her age.”

The sales girl laughed, “It wasn’t for her, it was for her daughter, and I hope Roberta doesn’t scream at her mother that she didn’t get it. That was a special order. But we can’t stand Roberta so we’ll be glad to wrap it up real fancy for you. I hope we’re not here if she comes storming in.”

“Roberta, as in Roberta Reed and was that Mrs. Reed? So she is Teddy and Willie Reed’s mother? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Black Dog was enjoying this. No wonder that women had looked familiar.

He chuckled thinking he must have scared the crap out of her.

“Yes and Mrs. Reed came into pick it up. We’ve had some payment issues with Roberta lately,” the sales girl confided lowering her voice. “She also tried to return a diamond that was a fake so I don’t think the owner will care you bought this.”

Black Dog leaned on the counter, looking at the sales girl. “If Mrs. Reed or Rooberrttaa come in, you tell them a big nasty looking biker bought it for Willie. If they’ve got a problem, tell them to come see Black Dog. They know who I am and where I live.”

The other sales girl came back with the beautifully wrapped box. They both eyed him up as he paid for the chain and charms.

The sales girl that rang him up at the register was looking him up and down. “Is Willie Reed your girlfriend?”

Black Dog took a few moments to answer her. “Nah, she is my ol lady but if you see her, don’t tell her that. I don’t think prim and proper Willie wants our relationship known all over town yet.”

The sales girl made a zipping her lip motion with her fingers, and Black Dog walked out of the store feeling a lot happier. He tucked the present into the pouch on his bike, glad it was in a bag so his greasy tools wouldn’t ruin the wrapping paper. He fished some change out of his pocket, and headed to the payphone.

He dialed Dirty Deeds and got Darko on the line. “Prez, I’m done with this Roberta thing. Willie got fired; well she was able to resign but she’s going to need to dance more. If she doesn’t kick me out for getting involved with her, I’ll be amazed. Bitch sister has been taking pictures of us and Willie dancing, so she lost her job.”

Darko replied, “We’ll deal with it later, Dog. Right now I’m headed to the airport to get Dusty and we got Hunter’s funeral to attend. No word from Wolf yet either. Go home and make Willie feel better, I gotta head out.”

Black Dog took his advice and headed back to Willie and hoped she wasn’t crying.

When Black Dog returned he saw Mad Jack in the garage looking upset as he pulled in. He parked his bike and reached into the pouch for Willie’s present.

“What’s the face for Jackie boy? Willie is okay isn’t she?” Black Dog grew concerned as he saw the emotions flickering over Mad Jack’s face.

Mad Jack handed him a small bottle with an eyedropper top. “Guess what this is bro? I’ll tell you—it’s high quality liquid LSD. Ya know acid?” He sounded upset and somewhat angry.

“I know what acid is Jack, what has it got to do with anything? I just asked you if Willie is okay. You wanna trip fine—ain’t my thing anymore, bro. Knock yourself out.” Black Dog was puzzled with this whole conversation.