“Dog, this isn’t my acid. It’s Willie’s. She and Dee are tripping. I had to get the bottle away from them. Seems your innocent Willie used to trip, and this is left over from college. Its damn good stuff from what she told me. She laughed when I took the bottle, and said I could have it! Says she has more or I think that is what she said.
“Oh and Teddy is on her way over. With Sonny too, seems our vice president is finally outta jail. Willie is quite a chatterbox when she trips and I had to get away from both of those two chicks. I didn’t want to say anything to either of them to get them mad at me. I guess Deidra likes to trip too because she sure as hell liked the idea when Willie decided to get her bottle out. They’re both painting upstairs. I hid the vodka and the blender too.” Mad Jack looked upset and Black Dog didn’t know what to say to him and finally started to laugh.
Mad Jack frowned at him. “You don’t care if Willie is tripping? Damn Black Dog, I thought you’d be freaking out. What if Willie has a bad trip after all the shit she went through today? I hate dealing with chicks on bad trips. And I fucking didn’t think my Dee would be doing that shit.” Mad Jack’s voice was rising.
“Jackie boy, are they laughing and having fun? If so I don’t give a fuck at this point. I thought I’d come back to Willie crying and you say she’s tripping. You think it’s a good idea for me to go yell at her? If you’re pissed at your ol lady, tell her when she comes down off her trip. I find it hard to believe you didn’t tell her not to take the damn stuff. I’m more interested in Sonny being out and why is Teddy coming here with him?” Black Dog had a more practical outlook on all of this.
“Willie called Teddy and told her what Roberta did and I guess maybe Sonny is showing more interest in Teddy at the moment than Hammer is. So we’ve got two tripping chicks, an older sister to the rescue and fucking Sonny to deal with. You know what? Fuck this. I’m getting the blender back out. I’m gonna drink and watch all of this unfold.” Mad Jack folded his arms across his chest. “And I want that bottle back, Willie gave it to me. I’ll make some blotter out of it and at least make some money.”
Black Dog tossed the bottle back at him and watched as Mad Jack scrambled to catch it. “Always about money huh, Jack, gotta make that dough? Look, I had no clue Willie tripped—I knew she did a bit of speed and coke. But in a way it makes sense, since she does some wild paintings. Maybe she trips a bit. I don’t do it anymore and I doubt she will be after today. If she wants me around, I don’t have the time for nonsense. I think Willie is just letting loose after a bad day.
“I ain’t gonna rain on her parade today. What’s twelve hours, which is about the normal time you trip? If Willie is having a good time, I figure she deserves it. I’ll talk to her about it. Maybe seeing Teddy will be good for her. Just don’t blame Willie for what Deidra did. Now I’m going upstairs and check out what they’re doing.” Black Dog stated his opinion and walked up the stair leaving Mad Jack staring at him blankly.
Black Dog burst out laughing when he saw Willie and Dee painting together on the floor. They were covered in paint and he was glad to see it wasn’t oil paint. Willie had a huge roll of paper out and to him it looked like they were using their fingers to paint some very different designs. Willie looked up and smiled brightly at him.
“Hi, Black Dog, I resigned from my job today, did you know that? So I am going to be dancing more I guess. How did your day go?” She sounded fine.
“Babe, I think you and Dee should clean up, Teddy is on her way over, and both of you are full of paint.” He tried to keep the laughter from his voice.
The two girls looked at each other and their giggles changed to laughter as they noticed the paint on each other.
“Up you go Willie, you need to shower and Dee, use the downstairs bathroom. We’re getting company.” Black Dog wasn’t pushing too hard, but hard enough so that they understood him. He pulled Willie up to her feet. “I’ll help you get into the shower babe, you’re a mess.”
Willie finally noticed the present in his hand.
“Is that for me, BD? Did you get me something?” She reached out with her paint covered hands but Black Dog wouldn’t let her touch the box.
“Shower first Babe and present after you’re clean. You don’t want to get paint on this do you?” He looked closely at Willie who got right up and headed for the bathroom.
Dee was putting paints away and spreading their painting flat to dry on the work table. “I didn’t do as many drops as she did. She’s fine; I think she just needed to do this to get a new outlook. I know Jack is mad at me but I wasn’t going to let her do it alone. It was bad when she was talking to Teddy, she was crying. I’ll clean this up and I’ll shower. Go take care of Willie—what Roberta did to her was awful.” Dee got up and handed Black Dog the pictures Father Paul had given Willie.
Black Dog looked at the pictures and felt a rage come over him.
Roberta had to have had help in getting these pictures. “I owe you Deidra, thanks for taking care of Willie; I’ll be taking care of Roberta. Jackie boy will get over you tripping. He thinks you’re totally innocent about everything, you know. If he gives you shit, I’ll talk to him.”
Deidra finished cleaning up as Black Dog went to check on Willie who was already in the shower. He held out a towel for her hair and once she had wrapped it up, he handed her a large soft bath towel to wrap around herself. He guided her into the bedroom and Willie put on a terry cloth bathrobe.
“BD, did I ever tell you when you walk into the room, it’s like the room goes on fire? Everything about you is magical to me. I love watching you; everything you do for me is so nice. I’m going to hate when you leave me.” She was not sad, just stating facts.
Black Dog didn’t answer, he took the towel off her head and grabbed a comb and started to untangle her hair. Willie sat perfectly still and let him pull the comb through her hair.
“Babe, I got you this present and when I get your hair untangled you can open it and I am not leaving you.” Black Dog wanted Willie to stay happy and in a good mood.
Willie’s hair was finally untangled and she lay sideways on the bed as she began unwrapping her present. Black Dog thought she’d rip right into it but she didn’t, she was saving the ribbons and paper.
She opened the box and just stared at the chain inside. Black Dog wasn’t sure if she knew what it was. He picked up the chain with the sparkling white orb and dangled it in froth of her face. It swayed slightly and Willie’s eyes followed it.
“Babe, it’s a belly chain. Stand up, and lose the robe. I want to see just the belly chain, and charm on you.” Black Dog had that sexy raspy voice going on and she got up and dropped the robe.
Black Dog put the chain around Willie’s waist and together they looked into the mirror. Black Dog’s huge tattooed arm around the naked Willie who was just wearing a belly chain was a very sexy sight. The tan of her skin made the white orb seem to glow.
“You’ve got to get dressed before Teddy gets here. I wish she wasn’t coming so we could just fuck, but you called her.” Black Dog had a hard on and he would have liked to fuck Willie until she screamed his name over and over.
“I was upset, and I want to talk to Teddy. I’ll just wear shorts and a tube top. I’m not taking this chain off. I may never take it off. Thank you BD, I love it.” Willie was leaning into his body making it very uncomfortable for him; he pushed her away and watched her dress.
“I wanted you to know baby, you aren’t fat and I want you to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. I’m not planning to leave you anytime soon Willie. As a matter of fact when you get off this trip I need to have a serious talk with you. Are you good with that?” He wasn’t about to have any serious talks while Willie was high.
“Yeah, I just need to get dressed now. I don’t want Teddy coming over and seeing me fucked up looking. Do I look high?” She sounded concerned and fairly normal.