Page 10 of You're the Boss

“Leave? When I finally get to see Chloe? You keep her from me at work all the time.” Alastair shook his head. “Sit down and finish your drink, son.”

“It’s quite all right, sir,” I said, pushing my glass away. “I’d much rather be at home, myself.”

He huffed. “Very well. Let Cassidy know when you’re free for lunch, and the three of us will go together. My treat.”

“I’ll call her tomorrow.”

“So efficient.” He chuckled warmly. “Sometimes I find myself jealous that you left the President’s office when my father retired. It would have been nice if you’d stayed.”

The feelings were completely mutual. So very, very mutual.

“It couldn’t be helped, sir. It was by His Grace’s request, after all.”

Theodore’s phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. “Excuse me a moment.”

We both waited for him to disappear, and the moment he was out of earshot, Alastair leant in close and said, “He still won’t accept your resignation, then?”

“No. Quite frankly, I’m considering having someone carve it onto a stone tablet so I can smack him with it,” I replied with a sigh. “I wanted to believe he wasn’t deliberately refusing to take it, but now I know he’s being purposely obtuse. He knows very well what I’m trying to give him on a daily basis.”

Alastair smiled sympathetically. “It’s because you’re too good at your job, Chloe. His transition was smooth, largely thanks to you. He was able to hold his own against the board of directors because of your research.”

“Yes, but I’m far from the only competent assistant out there. Not to mention he has two others.”

“Ah, so do I, but neither of them holds a candle to Cassidy.”

“Do you say that in front of your wife?”

“She tries to steal her all the time.” He chuckled. “Few people are as competent as you and Cassidy. It makes it difficult to imagine working without you.”

“Would you refuse her resignation the way he is with mine?”

“I’d try to convince her to change her mind, but if she didn’t, I’d have no choice but to accept it,” he admitted. “But for now, hang in there. There are some changes coming to the company very soon.”

I opened my mouth to ask him what he meant, but he swiftly shook his head and mouthed, “Not yet.”

“Miss St. James. Let’s go.” Theodore appeared behind me, startling me. “Did I interrupt something?”

“Just catching up,” Alastair said with a grin. “You should go. I’ll handle that thing we talked about, but you should make sure your staff are all aware. It wouldn’t hurt to have a meeting with Harvey, too.”

“Yes, I get it,” Theodore replied, stepping to the side and pinning me with his cool gaze. “I thought you said you wanted to go home.”

I slid off the stool and inclined my head towards Alastair. “It was nice to see you, sir.”

“Don’t forget you promised to have lunch with me!”

“She won’t,” Theodore said, putting one hand on my back and gently nudging me forwards. “Quickly, before he starts another conversation.”

“I can walk, sir.” I reached into my bag for the valet ticket. “Your conversation didn’t last long. Did you not eat?”

“No. Honestly, it could have been a phone call. Better yet, an email.” He opened the restaurant door and held it, then frowned at me when I didn’t move. “Well? Are you going outside or not?”


He did have some basic manners.

“Forgive me, sir, but it’s not often you hold a door for me. It’s usually the other way around.” I stepped outside and handed my ticket to the valet who read it with a nod and went to fetch the car.

“You make it sound like I’m a mannerless barbarian,” Theodore said, stepping up next to me.