Page 11 of You're the Boss

“I was merely pointing out I’m usually the one doing the door holding.”

“I don’t see you refuting my words.”

“I wouldn’t dream of agreeing with such an extreme evaluation of yourself.” I watched as my car pulled up in front of us and the valet got out. “Thank you,” I said, taking the key from him.

Theodore held out his hand. “Here. I’ll drive.”

I looked at his outstretched hand, then dragged my gaze up to his face. “Pardon?”

“I’ll drive. Give me the keys.”

“No, it’s quite all right. You’ve had a drink.”

“It was only one drink.”

“Only one drink is one drink too many in my car,” I retorted, marching to the driver’s side. “However, since you’re feeling gracious tonight, you’re welcome to open your own car door.Sir.”

His glare burned into my back, but he got in the passenger side without saying another word. It was a true miracle, one that might just have had me believing in God again. He was someone who always needed the last word, so the fact he’d stopped arguing with me was true bliss.

I doubted it would last long, but I was going to take my kicks where I could get ‘em.

“Make it a priority to familiarise Daniel and Melody with a photo of Lord Granstein and Emily Grandstein.”


I didn’t know he knew the names of my babies.

“I’ll do so first thing, sir,” I replied.

“You aren’t going to ask why?”

“Is it necessary for me to know?”


“Then I’m sure you’ll tell me whether I ask or not, sir.”

Theodore sighed. “You can be hard work sometimes, Chloe.”


Damn it.

I hated it when he used my name instead of calling me Miss St. James. He used it so rarely, and despite how badly I wanted to smash his face in with a box file, hewashandsome, and I was only human.

I cleared my throat. “Why do I need to familiarise them with the Grandsteins?”

“I’m sure Harvey already told you about Lord Grandstein’s archaic marriage proposal,” he said dryly. “Grandfather refused it, but Dad told me tonight that Lord Grandstein isn’t happy about it. There’s a high chance either he or Emily will come by the office in an attempt to convince me personally.”

“Then should I also circle their photos within security and the main reception to ensure they don’t make it to the office?”

“Share their photos, but they’re welcome to sit in the office and waste their time if they’re stupid enough to show up without an appointment. Do I have any free time in my schedule this week?”

“You never ask for any, so no, you don’t.”

“Then there’s no problem. See to it that they’re allowed in but can’t see me if I’m in the office.”

This man.