Clary looked over at Seth. It was his place; he should decide. She wasn’t sure if Zane would be offended if she agreed to having a patrol car outside their place, or if it would cause Elton to throw another fit.
Her presence was probably enough of a reason for him to do that, though.
Seth opened his mouth, but Detective Lowe interjected, “I insist.”
Clary pursed her lips. “Seth should decide.”
“You already know Edward Eolenfeld is involved,” Detective Lowe again continued before Seth could speak. “He’s been putting a lot of pressure on us.”
“I’m fine with the patrol.” Seth, who had remained standing, walked over to Clary and sat on the arm of the couch. “Why don’t you go pack? I’ll update Detective Lowe on the head.”
Clary got up. Amid all that was going on, she wasn’t all that keen on being reminded about the head. The threats, the rubber head, the gun hold-up, the boys’ club ... They were all pulling her in different directions when she was here to focus on one. “Seth will update you. I’ll go pack.”
Chapter 16
“You’ve got to be kidding.”
Clary didn’t even have to turn around to know it was Elton. Jesus, come on. All I asked was not to see Elton tonight. She leaned her arm against Seth’s car and sighed. “Sorry, Elton.” She closed the door as Seth jogged around the car and toward her. “I don’t have the strength to argue with you.”
“You brought her home?” Elton continued as if Clary hadn’t said a word.
Seth planted himself in front of her, between her and Elton. Then, while still ignoring his brother, he opened the car door and pulled out her suitcase and the bag of Grandma Moretti’s food from the back seat.
Thankfully, Clary hadn’t had much time to unpack. All she had to do was throw her toiletries back into her suitcase and she was ready to go. In fact, she’d spent more time packing Grandma Moretti’s stash of food.
Clary would’ve brought more, but Seth wanted them to leave the mansion as soon as possible.
“Does Zane know?” Elton demanded.
Seth sighed and finally turned to his brother while putting Clary’s laptop bag on top of her suitcase. “I don’t need permission to bring someone back to my place.”
“Then why doesn’t Aldric get to do that?”
Seth threw a hand in the air. “You voted for that, too.”
“And I’m voting that she” —Elton jabbed his index finger in her direction— “has to go.”
As if he was worried some deadly energy from his brother’s finger would actually hurt her, Seth stepped in front of Clary again. “That isn’t up for a vote.”
“Why not?”
Clary swallowed a sigh. This was exactly why she didn’t want to stay with Seth.
Seth’s chest rose, but he didn’t reply to Elton. Instead, he shifted everything he was holding to one hand.
Clary reached for her suitcase. “I can—”
“I got it.” He took her hand and tugged her closer. “Let’s go.” Shifting his hand to her back, he led her forward and made sure he stayed between her and Elton as they passed him.
The visibly stunned Elton was so surprised that all he could move were his eyeballs as they passed.
“Erm, goodnight,” Clary mumbled and kept her feet moving while Seth steered her across the vast, but largely empty and dim parking garage. She yawned when they got into the huge elevator, which was probably twice as large as a normal one. “I’m sure Elton will get right back on it once he recovers from the shock.”
“I’ll deal with him. You go rest.”
She tipped her head to the side to look up at him. “Have you always been this bossy?”