She sighed softly. “I don’t know. Our situation just seems so tangled … so complicated.”
“Life’s complicated. You have people wanting to slash your face.”
“Thanks,” she said.
“Which is what we should focus on.”
“So what now?”
“Now you pack your bag and we go over to my place.”
She turned to stare at the open space of the mansion.
“Besides having an FBI agent across from our apartment, your bedroom would be the furthest in. If anyone breaks in, he’ll have to walk past Oliver’s and my rooms before getting to yours.” He shook his head. “No one will even know you’re there.”
“No one will know I’m here, either.”
“Your assistant handed that information to me without a fight, Clary.”
“I’ve already spoken with her about that. And Mr. E has warned her about not giving my address to any Eolenfelds.”
“They aren’t the ones I’m concerned about.”
She jumped again when someone knocked on the door. “Jesus.” She pressed a hand to her chest.
“I doubt it’s Him.” Seth checked the peephole on the door. “Detective Lowe. Do you want to let her in?”
“We can’t just let her stand out there.”
He opened the door.
“Mr. Anderson.” Detective Lowe’s gaze shifted to Clary. “Miss Fiore. I heard what happened and thought I’d drop by before heading home.”
“Please, just call me Clary.” She waved the detective in. “Have you found the man who held us up?”
Detective Lowe shook her head. “The team’s going through video footage. We’ve made progress, but there is a lot of footage to go through. We’ve also spoken to some of the people picketing outside your office,” she said to Seth as she sat next to Clary on the couch. “No progress there.”
“And any news on Gavin Ressler?” Seth asked.
“He doesn’t have any family or friends here. Not that we know of.”
“So you have nothing.”
Detective Lowe’s chest rose.
“You’re staying at my place tonight,” Seth said to Clary.
“But Mr. E has already arranged a hotel room.”
Seth shook his head. “My place. I’ll let Edward Eolenfeld know.”
Clary blew out a breath and nodded. Staying at a hotel or at Seth’s place was all the same to her.
She cracked a smile when Detective Lowe’s eyes twitched while watching them.
“I guess I’ll be staying with him,” Clary said. “You can call off the patrol car outside.”
“How about we have him escort the two of you to Mr. Anderson’s place, and he can station himself there?”