Page 102 of Sugar Coated Secrets

“Thank you.” I walk in and set DP’s cage on the counter. I check his water and food and stick a finger inside to pet him. He’s quite alert. “Hey little guy. Are you happy to be home?” He sniffs my finger, then walks around, maybe taking in his surroundings. Being outside during a fight might have scared him, and it’s cold. I scoop him up and hold him long enough to kiss his furry head before putting him in his warm cage.

“Anything I can do to help?” Easton watches me.

“You can clean your hand.” While he does as he’s told and washes his knuckles in the sink, I give DP fresh water and food.

Once that’s settled, I join Easton at the sink. He dries his hands with a paper towel. “Let me see.” I take his hand and inspect the injuries. They look much better already. “Do they hurt?”

“No.” A crooked smirk tilts his lips, and his eyes dance with amusement.


“This is nothing. Well worth it.”

I take ointment and a Band-Aid from a nearby cabinet. “Why did you get into a fight with him? Did you know he’d be here?”

“Did you?”

“No. I haven’t talked to him since before we left the farm.”

“That’s what I thought.” He leans against the counter.

“How did he know I was back?” I rub ointment on his knuckles and cover the cut with a Band-Aid.

Easton’s jaw tightens. “He better not be spying on you.”

I pause in the midst of putting the medical supplies away. “How else would he know?”

“He won’t be back,” Easton says with confidence.

“I hope you’re right.” I toss the wrapper into the trash. “I don’t want to see him ever again.”

“I could stay here for a while in case he comes back.”

I turn to him, my brows raised. “You’d stay here?”

He nods, his gaze unwavering. “Sadie.” He closes the few steps between us and brushes his fingers across my jawline. “I know my timing was bad, but I meant what I said yesterday.”

I swallow and shiver at his nearness and gentle touch.

“I take that back. I meant it, but I didn’t fully understand why I meant it until I talked to Daire and Everleigh. They helped me realize several things.”

My brows pull together. “When did you talk to them?”

“This morning.”

“About us?”

He nods and smirks. “It’s part of the reason why I’m here. To be clear, though, I would have come regardless.”

“What did you tell them?” My pulse spikes. If he mentioned the spanking, I’ll die. But he wouldn’t tell his brother that, and certainly not Everleigh. When I talked to her yesterday, I spoke more about my feelings than the sex I had with Easton. She didn’t have anything good or bad to say. I assumed she needed time to process.

“I didn’t tell them anything they hadn’t already figured out for themselves or learned from you.” He runs his hands down my arms to my hands.

I shiver again, despite my confusion and racing nerves. “And they told you to come here? Everleigh told you to come here?”

“She insisted, but like I said, I was already planning to come and tell you I meant what I said yesterday. You don’t have to decide anything right now or even this week. I’ll wait.”

“Wait for what?”