“I didn’t think so at the time, especially when I learned they were friends. I ran, remember? But then I let him explain, because of you, and I forgave him. Think of everything that had to happen for us to get here.” She rubs her belly.

A bigger smile curves my lips. “You’re right. I need to call Easton.”

Her brows bunch together. “Easton?”

“Dash,” I correct. “I need to call Dash. Then I need to step back and look at my life. I should do that from my mom’s house when she returns this weekend. It’ll give me a chance to think about what I want without distractions, and I’ll be safe there, too.”

Everleigh knows Mom and Tim live outside the city in Sandy Springs and that the neighborhood is gated with cameras.

Everleigh frowns. “I’ll miss having you here, but if that’s what you feel you need to do, I’ll understand.”

“Thank you.” I cover her hand with mine. “And I’ll be back soon to visit before for your baby shower.”

With Easton as my helper, I’m not sure how I’m going to manage. Hopefully by then, the distance will help us find our way back to our friendship and give me time to fall out of love with him.

“And for the grand opening of the inn,” she adds with a bright smile.

“And to meet baby Livingston.” I pat her belly.

She laughs. “Baby Livingston. I need a onesie made with that on it.”

A tall man rushes into the breakfast room.

At first, I think it’s Daire, only it’s Easton.

His hand covers his heart. “Thank God you’re okay.”

Everleigh stands, her attention on him. “What’s wrong?”

Yeah. Why is he so upset? I stand, too. “Did something happen?”

“I’ve been calling you.” He glares at me.

I get my phone from my purse and turn on the sound. “Sorry. I had it on silent.”

“Sadie, I swear to God, if you ever do that again…” He runs a hand through his disheveled hair. “I thought something happened to you.”

“I told you I was visiting Everleigh.”

“And then you didn’t answer your phone.”

“She’s fine, Easton.” Everleigh gestures to me and walks to him, touching his arm. “You look sick. Do you need to sit?”

“No.” He continues to stare at me with a mix of anger and relief.

Everleigh glances back and forth at us, her brows pulling with concern again. “What’s going on?”

Her question is valid, more so because of the intensity in Easton’s eyes.

“We need to talk,” he says.

Once more, Everleigh looks at both of us. “I think we need to talk more, too,” she says to me.

She knows. How can she not with the way Easton’s gaze won’t leave my face?

“Steven called.”

The PI. No wonder he’s upset.