Daire walks into the room. “You found her,” he says to Easton. He puts his arm around Everleigh and kisses her lips. “Hey, beautiful. How’s the baby?” He rubs her belly.

“Good. Want to tell me what’s going on?”

Daire’s eyes meet mine, and he nods. “Sadie. Glad you’re okay.” His tone isn’t as friendly as usual.

I stiffen, worried he knows about me and his brother. Is that what this is about? Not what the PI does or doesn’t know?

“I have news about your stalker,” Easton says, his tone grave. “You should sit down.”

Cold fear slithers down my spine.

Everleigh’s eyes widen on me. “Let’s go into the other room. You’ll be more comfortable.” She separates from Daire and takes my hand, guiding me into the huge living room.

“Is it bad?” I murmur to her.

“I don’t know.” She sits next to me on the couch, near the fireplace. Daire takes the chair beside Everleigh, and Easton sits in the chair beside him.

For some reason I wish Easton was beside me, holding my hand. I hold his whiskey gaze and will myself to be strong. “Tell me.”

“Steven knows who the man is.”

I draw in a calming breath and nod for him to continue.

He glances at Everleigh and Daire before bringing his gaze back to me. “Are you sure you want an audience for this? I would have done it at the house, but you’d already left.”

Oh God. I slump, feeling stupid. That’s why he kept calling me. Is it why he was avoiding me, too? Was he talking to Steven? That doesn’t explain him taking a shower or not waking me. All things I could have asked had I stayed and faced him.

“I’m her best friend,” Everleigh says. “I know everything about her. I want to be here for her.” She turns to me. “Unless you want to do this alone with Easton?”

The confusion in her eyes kills me. I should just come clean about Easton and me here and now. Rip off the Band-Aid.

I look at Daire. “Do you know already?”

“No. I was sent to find you. That’s all.” He studies his brother the way Everleigh had studied me and Easton in the breakfast room. “Maybe we should give them a minute.”

“No. It’s okay.” I squeeze Everleigh’s fingers, her hand still holding mine.

“Okay.” Easton agrees with reluctance. He leans forward, his elbows on his thighs, his hands clasped between his spread legs. “The stalker is a man named Alejandro. He’s the bodyguard for Lola Novarro.”

I shake my head, confused. “I have no idea who these people are.”

“You wouldn’t. They’re from your father’s side of the family.”


He pauses and visibly swallows. “Your biological father.”

My stomach drops to my feet. “What—how?” I don’t understand this at all.

“Lola Navarro is your father’s other daughter. She’s been trying to reach you. In secret, is Steven’s guess, because of her stature in Spain. Your father was prominent and influential. He has a fortune. Steven assumes that’s why she wants to talk. That’s why her bodyguard grabbed you.”

My brain reels, trying to process this astounding information. My father was Spanish. Influential. I’m part Spanish. “I have a sister?” I don’t know why that comes out.

Everleigh puts her arm around my shoulder.

“A half-sister,” Easton says. “But she’s not… Steven doesn’t think she’s here to be friends. She’s here to settle something with her father’s estate. Without talking to her directly, we can’t be sure if that’s the only reason. Steven suspects either your father left something for you, or she’s here to make sure you don’t try to stake a claim on Gabriel Navarro’s fortune.”

“Gabriel? Is that his name?”