Page 53 of Mavericky

“That woman scares me, but she is hot for her age,” Alex states.

“I am so telling her that when we go up to the clubhouse,” Violet sings out.

She is a little shit, both her and her twin brother, Nobel. They get into all kinds of trouble. At eighteen, they go out with friends and come home with some of the best stories about what they and their friends have done.

Zeb’s ruling is, do not hurt anyone mentally or physically and do not ever bring the police home.

“Don’t you fucking dare.”

“Boy, language,” my father snaps before his parents can.

Alex looks to the ground in apology. “Sorry, Grandpa.”

“Everyone is scared of Risky, I think she is amazing,” Violet adds and Marli nods agreeing with her sister, “She is badass.”

Alex’s head snaps up, glaring at his cousin.

“How can she cuss, but I can’t?”

“Oh, boy, you have many things to learn, so let this one go,” Anton mutters, looking at his son.

My father is a hard ass, especially when it comes to the boys in the family, but his two granddaughters are his precious girls and they would get away with anything they wanted with him.

“How are things with the Hunters?” Anton asks.

“Good. Astrid and I have been tracking these fucks who are stealing from old people. They are good at covering their tracks but we have some leads.”

“Punk-ass bitches stealing from the elderly, man,” he replies and I nod.

“Truth, brother.” I step over to the fridge and take out a beer, popping the cap and taking a pull then face my family again.

We try once a month to gather at my folks’ house, where Mom and the girls cook up a storm. I tried helping once; let’s say that my mom had to throw the pan out, and call Jodie to stitch up my hand. Me and the kitchen are not friends.

Hazel and her crew moved closer two years ago, so my parents decided that this was needed for us all to stay connected. It stems from their lost years when they were younger.

Today is also the day that I inform them of my new relationship status. I talked last night with Cal and Darcy, so they know what is happening, and Darcy suggested that I do it alone this time, but they will both come with me next month.

It feels right, me telling my family. Not that they do not know something is going on; well, my folks anyway, since they saw us at the club a few days ago when I got hurt.

I go to open my mouth, when Nobel speaks first.

“Violet has a boyfriend.”

The room goes silent and everyone looks to Sarge. My eyes go wide, everyone pretty much with the same shocked look on their faces, well except Violet, who looks like she is ready to murder her twin.

“You punk-ass bitch. You couldn’t keep your mouth shut, could you?” she bellows at him but he just smirks at her.

Zeb’s back straightens, as he glares at his daughter.

“Who the fuck are you dating?” he snarls.

“Give me a name,” Sarge growls.

Overprotective men in this family is a trait. We all have it, I would kill any fucker who looks at either Darcy or Cal. Fuck, I would kill anyone who hurts any person I care about.

Violet pulls her angry glare from her brother to look between her father and grandfather.

“He is a guy from school. We are in the same design class,” she explains.