Page 54 of Mavericky

Violet is very creative, like her parents, and will be going into fashion when she graduates. She has been designing clothes since she was old enough to sew and stitch things together.


“No.” Her arms fold across her chest and she pops her hip, glaring back at her father.

“Honey, leave her be, she is not a little girl anymore. Let her live her life,” Ranger tries to soothe my brother, her husband.

“No fucking way is my baby girl dating. She is a fucking baby,” Zeb snaps.

“For Chrissake, Dad, I am eighteen. I am not a baby. He treats me good.” It also doesn’t go unnoticed that she is not saying his name because she knows that I will track the punk down.

“Got to love family time with a shit ton of drama.” Will shakes his head with a smile on his face.

“Maybe we could extract one family member, that would be a great freaking idea,” Violet spit at her brother. “I can’t believe you did that. Should I tell Mom and Dad that I found a joint in your bag?” she smarts off.

The smile drops off Nobel’s face, making Violet smirk as she folds her arms across her body.

“Fuck me,” I mutter.

“Nobel? Is she right?” Ranger asks her son.

“It is not like it is a hard drug, Mom. Everyone is doing it at school; it helps me sleep after a stressful day of classes.”

The twins are in their last year of high school, and will soon be flying the coop to go to college.

“I do not give a flying fuck if it is a hard drug or not, you will not do ANY drugs while at school. You hear me? Do you really want to risk your future if you get caught with it in your system?” she snaps at him.

He looks crestfallen when she brings up his future. Nobel plans on going pro with lacrosse. He is fucking awesome at it and I know that he plans on having a lengthy career out of the sport.

“I’ll stop.” He looks to his parents, then his grandparents. Sarge looks like he wants to flip his shit, but my mom’s hand on his chest calms him.

The room is quiet for what feels like fucking hours and I know that now is my time to share my news. Hopefully, it will bring a new vibe to the room. I know that my family will not judge me about my relationship preference, but it is still a nervy time to come out into the open.

They know that I like to fuck men and women, I have never hidden that side of me, and they have supported my decision while growing up.

“Soooo, I have some news.” Everyone looks to me.

“Let me guess, you found your dick?” comes from Zeb.

After a beat everyone laughs, and my tense muscles relax as the feel of the room shifts from tense to light.

“Hardy, ha ha. I found my dick, brother, and it is bigger than yours.” I flip him off.

“Maverick, what is the news?” Hazel calls to me, gaining my attention.

“You all know that I have started dating Cal.” They nod. “You also know that I am bisexual because I have never hidden that fact from you.”

“Love is love, Uncle Mav,” Violet says with a bright smile on her face.

“It is.”

“So, are you dating a woman as well?” Alex asks and I nod, looking to him.

“I am. We are a very open family and I love all of you for that. I have seen secrets hurt some people I love, so for years I have always been open and honest with everything and I love that we all do this.”

“Damn fucking straight,” Dad grunts, pulling Mom tighter to him, kissing the side of her head.

“When Cal and I started dating, we both knew that something was missing between us, as we are both bisexual. Little did I know that we were both fantasizing over the same woman.”