Page 84 of Mavericky

“Astrid is on it too, that is why she is not here,” Lennox calls to Maverick, who nods.

“She will find the fucker,” he snarls, then he looks to his father, then his President. “I want his head on a fucking stake for this.”

Someone coughs, and everyone’s eyes come to me since I am the fucking law in the room.

“I know that you want to find this guy, but you have to know that we have to look for him too, and by law, I have to take him in if I find him.”

Already shaking his head, Maverick steps away from me with anger in his eyes, and fuck me, that hurts.

“Son,” comes the warning tone from Sarge.

“I will find the fucker who hurt Darcy, with or without you, but he will never see the inside of a jail cell, Sheriff.” His voice is deep, menacing even, and it fucking scares me that he will admit to killing someone in front of me.

He is lucky that none of my officers are here, or any medical staff who could report such a threat.

“So, I am Sheriff now? You know that I want this guy as much as you do, but fuck me, Maverick I have a badge to uphold. You cannot expect me to stand by while you hunt this man down and admit to me that you will kill him.”

My heart is racing waiting for him to reply. Deep down I want this prick dead, I want him to hurt for the pain that he caused Darcy. No fucker touches what is mine, ours even, and gets away with it.

The badge on my chest has never felt as heavy as it does right now. The law that I’ve sworn to uphold, and to serve and protect, is at war with the fact that I am ready to end the life of the piece of shit who hurt our girl.

Seeing the anger and pain in his eyes, I step back from him, needing some space and time to think. Sighing, my hands go to my waist and I feel my utility belt and it makes my heart heavier, as I look out the large window.

Shaking my head, I lean my palms on the cold windowsill, my head resting against the even colder glass. With my eyes closed I see the images of Darcy hurt in the back of the ambulance, and the fear yet relief in her eyes when she saw us, her men, her protectors.

I knew that getting involved with Maverick and the Rugged Skulls MC, there was always the chance that our worlds would collide, I just never thought that our woman would be in the middle of those two worlds.

You can hear a pin drop in the room; everyone is standing, waiting to see what I will say next, because whatever I do say, I will have to live with for the rest of my life.

It will either be with Maverick by my side or not. In turn I could lose Darcy also.

A warm, large hand rests on the small of my back, his scent hits my senses.

“Baby, I know this is hard, but you can’t expect me to stand by and let that man live for what he has done to Darcy.” His voice is low.

Tilting my head, I face him. “Yet you expect me not to uphold my vow to protect the people of my town.”

He sighs, leaning his hip against the windowsill.

“I get it, Cal, I do. We both have lived by a certain set of rules, but for me, when it comes to Darcy getting hurt bad, there is only one way to handle this.”

Looking him in the eyes, I see the determination that he will find this man and end him. He will meet his maker.

“I cannot be involved in any of this, Maverick. Anything that you and your brothers do cannot be tracked back to the club. You have to promise me that much.”

I see the fire and anger in his eyes; he is out for blood, and as a man whose woman got hurt I can’t blame him for feeling that, but my promise to the law has its hooks in me also.

“Nothing will blow back on you or the club, we know what we are doing, baby. Trust me.”

“I do trust you, Mav.” I cup his face.

He steps closer, bringing our bodies together.

I love having him close, but it is just as good when Darcy is between us.

“Good, that means so fucking much to me to hear you say that, Cal Warren.” He kisses me, and I feel this one kiss right to my soul.

Breaking the kiss, he pecks me on the nose, then tuns to his family, his club.