Page 85 of Mavericky

“I am claiming Sheriff Cal Warren as mine.” He looks to me and winks. “We are claiming Darcy Owens as ours.”

“You saying it, boy?” calls Sarge.

Shaking his head, Maverik replies, “Not yet. Darcy will be with us when I do.”

The waiting room door opens and the doctor steps inside.

“Family of Darcy Owens?”



I laugh as Posey and Luna dance around a giggling Adley, while some pop music shit plays through the speakers. This is my heaven.

My club, my family, all around enjoying a carefree day.

What is even better is that my woman and my man are with me. Darcy is perched on my lap, her feet resting on Cal’s thighs. My thumb brushes back and forth over the skin visible on her mid-drift, soothing her. Darcy likes skin-to-skin contact, it calms her down.

It has been seven days since she and Kady were attacked at Darcy’s Delights and every night has been filled with nightmares. She wakes up screaming, shaking, and crying in fear. It was on the fourth night that we clicked how the skin-to-skin contact calmed her, so we all sleep naked now, nothing sexual, just doing what it takes to make her feel safe and protected.

We still have not found the cunt who attacked the girls, but we will. He is a fucking ghost.

Kady is a few seats over, with Calder close by, keeping an eye on her; even if she doesn’t want his attention, she is getting it. Seeing her hurt sparked something in him and he is like a dog with a bone right now. She was lucky to only come away with a concussion, and she is still having some headaches after, but nothing too serious.

Darcy had a few more injuries. She has four stitches in her cheek from where the bastard cut her, which will leave a minor scar, and a cut above her left eyebrow that will likely leave a scar also, but I can dig that.

The cunt had kicked her in the back and stomach, and she was pissing blood for the first three days after, but is doing better with that. The biggest injury that Darcy is recovering from is the slice on her hip.

The fucker took a chunk of skin from her hip, about three inches by three inches. We have no clue as to why he did that besides that he wanted to see her bleed, but we will always be thankful for one of Darcy’s employees coming back to the shop because he forgot something. He disturbed the attack and ran the psycho off before calling nine-one-one.

“You okay?” I whisper to her.

Tilting her head to look at me, she smiles, and it knocks the wind out of me. Leaning in she kisses my lips, her hand cupping my jaw.

“I am good, baby. You and Cal have made me feel safe. I am safe, especially here at the club.”

“Damn straight, Darcy girl,” my father calls from across the firepit.

“Any updates?” comes from Opal, aimed at Cal.

It’s his day off, but when you belong to an MC there are no days off when it comes to protecting what is ours. Since I’ve claimed them both as mine but have not said the word yet, that will come soon, I just want to make sure that this dark cloud that is hanging over us is gone. I want our days filled with fucking blue skies so our woman can feel safe and not have to look over her shoulder all the damn time.

“We have had a sighting of someone who fits the description, but don’t have a lock on him yet.” Darcy tenses on my lap so I hold her tighter.

“It is like he is a ghost. Have had a few officers looking at the homeless shelters, and checking the back streets, because from the information the girls gave us, he smelled like he hadn’t bathed in a while and his bad breath could indicate rotting teeth from not brushing or drug use. Also, he acted like different people, so we know that he has mental issues,” Cal adds.

“What is it with this MC attracting people with mental health issues?” Slide asks, shaking his head.

“What did I miss?” I ask.

My brother, Zeb, sighs, and my sister-in-law, Ranger, snuggles deeper into his body.

“When Ranger and I were starting out, I helped a chick at a music festival we went to. She became obsessed with me, thought there was more to our friendship and me helping her than was actually there. She pulled a gun on the girls at Rugged Ink, and luckily no one was hurt, but we got her the help she needed,” he explains, and fuck me, I stare at my brother.

“How did I not know this?”

“I don’t know. I just didn’t feel it was necessary for everyone to know what had happened to her; they were her issues to deal with and no one else’s business,” Zeb replies to me.