Page 22 of Replacing My Ex

“Fine, but I want all the details later. If the opportunity presents itself, I give you permission, as your older sister, to go for it.”

Now, why would she have to put those thoughts in my head? I hung up the phone before she got any more ideas, but that didn’t stop my mind from straying down that path.

What is he like in bed? Does he have that same animal grace as the wolf he reminds me of? I felt a shiver and had to squeeze my legs together. I think I just came. And looked up right into his eyes. Mercy, mercy, me.

* * *


* * *

What the hellwas she thinking about? I’d been standing in front of her for about two minutes while she just stood there gazing off into space. She was looking dead at me, but I was sure she wasn’t seeing me, if you know what I mean.

I called out to her because I legit thought she was having some kind of seizure, but then I touched her, and her whole body shook like there was a quake. Then swear to fuck, I smelt her heat, and she closed her thighs hard in that way women do when they need to pee or cum.

She snapped back into reality, and there was something new in her eyes. I smirked, and she damn near broke her neck, stepping backward. I guess she tripped over her own foot because the next thing I knew, she was going down hard, and my hands were going around her waist to pull her upright.

That whole thing played itself out in slow motion. I can still see the panic on her face as she fell backward before I reached for her. Okay, you can let go now, Thunder. No, no, the fuck I can’t. Damn, her eyes look like delectable chocolate in the moonlight.

Cool it there, Don Juan De, Lord Byron, you are not. Whatever, I know what I see, and I like what I see. I eventually had to let her up unless I wanted her to think that I was some kind of creep, but I took my sweet time releasing her from my grasp.

“Sorry, I don’t know why I’m being so clumsy.” She looked down, embarrassed, and even that little hint of sadness was too much for me. I lifted her chin with my finger and looked at her for the longest time without speaking.

“Do you know me? Does your sister know me from somewhere?” I could tell from her reaction that she hadn’t meant to say that, but when I reached out and brushed the hair off her shoulder, her body did that jerking thing again, and we both inhaled hard.

“There’s a lot I need to talk with you about, but if you keep looking at me like that, we’re not going to get to the talking stage until sometime tomorrow night.” Okay, now you’re scaring her.

“What’s it going to be, gorgeous?” She was looking up at me in a way that didn’t make sense for someone who didn’t know me.

I know a woman in heat when I see one, and she was most definitely in heat. Even if I didn’t have her scent still teasing my nose, that wild pulse in her throat and the way her heart raced would’ve been a dead giveaway. Maybe I should help her out, give her an out.

“Talk!” She squeezed her eyes closed tight, and it took me a few seconds to realize what she’d said. Damn, and my dick was just getting ready to rumble.

“Talk it is. Let’s grab the rest of the stuff, shall we?”

My annoying sister was waiting for us in the kitchen. Maybe I shouldn’t have called her that because she did her big brother a solid with her next move. “Miss. Amanda, I don’t have the first clue how to set these up on the pedestal. Can you show me, please? Thank you. Thunder, bring the cupcakes, you too, Kyle. There’s a lot of them.”

She dragged her along with her into the ballroom while the simp and I followed behind them. He gave me the most awkward thumbs up, and I wondered what the hell my sister had said to him when I caught the two of them sharing what I can only describe as a mischievous smile.

I stood back and watched as she laid out the cupcakes in some kind of spiral on the frou-frou crap my sister had there. There were enough sweets on that table to keep a dentist in business for a year or more. That wasn’t counting the catered fried chicken and whatever the hell else these hooligans eat when they get together.

My sister goes all out with her parties, but you never know what you’re going to get from one party to the next. Sometimes, this place looks like the English Ton in high season, and others, like tonight, it looks like a hoedown.

Usually, I wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere near this room, but since my sister had kept her here, no doubt for me, I couldn’t let the opportunity go to waste. Though, if I’m being honest, from the time I smelt her scent, I had already made up my mind to keep her here.


Imade her nervous. I could see it in the shaking of her hands and hear her raspy breath as she placed the cupcakes one way, then removed them and started all over again. She was also doing her best not to look in my direction, but I didn’t miss the little side glances or the fact that she’d done that leg-squeezing thing twice since we were in there.

As soon as she was through with the setup, I snagged her hand and walked her back through the house and out onto the back patio. That wasn’t far enough away from living bodies, so I led her to the outdoor stairs that led to the rooftop balcony.

I noticed that she didn’t ask where we were going, nor did she seem tense. I didn’t let go of her hand right away, but I didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot here. When you think about it, I sound damn close to being a stalker. Now, I’d dragged her off alone to a dark corner of my rooftop.

Now that I’ve brought her up here, I find myself in another new to me predicament. I want to fall on her and feast like the beast that I am, but her past is keeping me in check.

I can’t just mount her right here and now, or I can, of course, I can, but would I be getting all of her? When I fuck her, there had better not be another motherfucker in her head. On the other hand, I could fuck his memory out of her.

‘Hey, Lothario, put the skids on, you fuck. She’s not like the others. She damn near cost you your sanity the last time, and that was before you got a taste of her. Mr. Fuck around and find out. This one’s gonna put you on your ass.’ This fuck!