Page 21 of Replacing My Ex

I waited long enough for the bruises to fade completely, pretending all the while to give in to her demands. What she didn’t know is that I’d hired someone to wire my place so that if she ever accused me again, I’d have proof that she was lying.

What I didn’t know, and didn’t expect, was to find her drugging the shit out of almost everything in my house. I didn’t even know that such a thing was possible. The energy drinks I drank in the evening when I came home, the food she made, all of it was laced with something.

I didn’t know what that something was; I just saw her injecting something through the tops of the bottles. That’s why I never knew they were tampered with. She’d even dosed the kid with medicine in the evenings.

No wonder he slept through the night from an early age. And there I was, thinking that he was just a good kid, as she said. No wonder she refused to let him spend the night at Mom’s.

I didn’t say anything to her right away. I went and got checked out and found out there was LSD in my system, and it had been going on for a while. I was pissed. She knows I could be randomly tested at my job, and if they found that shit in my blood, my career would be over. What the hell was she thinking?

When I confronted her, she tried playing innocent, but I showed her the recordings of her poisoning me, and she changed her tune. She claimed she was only doing it because she wanted to give our son a perfect home. I'm not sure how her drugging me was going to do that.

I kicked her out right then and there, though she didn’t go quietly. I didn’t want her to take our son, but I’m not sure how that would play with the law, so now I have to wait to see a lawyer and get everything taken care of. At least she’d run to Mom’s place since she didn’t have anywhere else to go, but I didn’t put it past her to try to disappear with the boy.

Once I’ve gotten myself clean, I plan to go for full custody and use everything I have against her. Maybe then I can win Mandy back. Yes, that makes sense. With Deidre out of the picture, I’m sure I can win her back because she loves me; she’s always loved me.

Hadn’t she stayed even after finding out about the baby? That means she still loves me. She would do anything for me; she always has. Yes, once I take care of things here and get my life back on track, I’m going to put all my efforts into finding Amanda. The two of us will raise my son together, and my life can go back to the way it was.


Breathe, Amanda, breathe; you knew there was a good chance that this was his place, and you prepared yourself for that possibility. Yeah, but I didn’t prepare myself for seeing him with a short-sleeved body-fitting tee shirt and cargo pants that were even more indecent than the jeans. What the hell was that thing in front of him, and why does it always seem to be staring me in the face?

My arms felt sweaty, which was not a good thing in the linen knee-length dress I’d chosen to wear because it had no sleeves. My nipples hurt just from watching him, and does he have to stand like that? Even his stance is animalistic, like he’s going to pounce any minute.

Fine, alright, I can put all of that aside for now, but what was all that with his sister? The best I can come up with is that she’d mistaken me for someone else. So why did he rush her out of the room? And why did it look as if she knew me?

There were so many questions, and now I was trying to remember everything about that phone call the other night when she called in the order. I don’t make deliveries, but she’d asked and mentioned the fact that she knew I’d done it before. I guess one of her friends had been at the Silverspoon party, and that’s how she got to taste the cupcakes in the first place.

It was my own curiosity that made me give in in the end. Because they shared the same last name, I was almost certain that they were related, but why I needed to see if I was right is anyone’s guess.

I didn’t cotton on to the fact that she seemed to ask a lot of personal questions, like was I the owner? What time did we close, who closes the store at night, stuff that didn’t seem that important at the time, but from her reaction upon seeing me in person, it seemed as if she was looking for someone in particular and that someone was me.

But what did she mean by it’s her, and how did you find her? Since I didn’t have anything more to go on, there was no way to answer my questions unless I came right out and asked, which I’m not about to do. And here I was, thinking that the beauty of the surroundings was the highlight of the evening.

I’d even snapped a few pictures at the bottom of the driveway because this place looks like something out of a fairytale. If that castle in that fairytale was backed by the majestic Rocky Mountains and sat in a meadow of wildflowers that seemed to blend into the perfectly manicured landscape.

I thought the Silverspoon mansion was grand, but this place even outshines that. I started to think that I was way off. Even with the black card, there’s no way that guy lived in a place like this, so maybe she was a distant cousin or something. It’s not that far-fetched in a small town like this that there would be members of one family spread out all over the place. It’s the kind of place that most people wouldn’t be in a hurry to escape from.

I felt something come over me as I drove the rest of the distance to the house. There was something almost melancholic about the place. Not just the castle but the grounds, the mountains, and the twilight sky blanketed with stars, all of it made something in me feel at peace.

That peace lasted until I rang the doorbell, and he was just there. I don’t even remember what I said if anything, and then his sister was there bringing me inside. Only to confuse me even more with that odd expression and even odder question.

Now I’m standing out here trying to suck up air. My phone rang, and I didn’t have to look to know who it was. My sister Angel was the only one who knew about tonight. I had to share with someone, and Mom and Dad were out of the question, and my brothers are a definite no-no. That left my older sister Miranda, who would’ve driven to my place and dragged me back home with her.

Angel is just a few years older than me, unlike our three older siblings, who have about a ten-year difference in age between her and me and the one who thinks most like me. That night after I met Thunder for the first time and couldn’t sleep, I’d spent a hard couple of days battling my mind and my body.

I had to tell someone, or I would burst at that point, but never in a million years would I have imagined her saying what she did. I thought for sure she’d have cautioned me and told me to go slow before jumping back into the dating pool, but instead, she told me to go for it.

She claimed that it was time I got back on that horse, but I warned her that this horse was a thoroughbred compared to my husband, who she’d taken to calling the jackass. “All the better; this way, you’d get all the cobwebs cleared out, and you’d finally know what it feels like to have sex with a real man.”

“Dan and I had an okay sex life.”

“I assure you that anyone as selfish as he is is not going to be a good lover. With your limited experience, you won’t know until it happens, but trust me, if this Thunder guy is anything like you’ve described, he’s going to have you speaking in tongues by the end of the night.”

I remember laughing uproariously at her comment, but now I’m swaying more towards her ideas.

“So, how is it going? Is he still as hot as you remembered?”

“Hotter, so much hotter. I think the lighting is better in his house. Anyway, I can’t talk now; I still have more boxes to unload.”