Page 23 of Replacing My Ex

“Did you work for Dunne and Steel?”

“Yes, how did you know that?” I didn’t look at her; I just kept my gaze on the starry sky.

“I saw you there once; it must’ve been two years ago around this time of year.”

“Really? I don’t recall having ever met you or heard your name mentioned. I would’ve re….”

She cut herself off, and I didn’t let her see my smile. I had to keep reminding myself that this was all new to her, while for me, it was as if we’d already met. I knew so much more about her than she did about me, and everything I knew made me want to move fast.

Not that sex was the only thing I had on my mind where she was concerned, but for fuck sake, I’ve had a semi-hard dick every day since I walked into that bakery; that shit is painful as hell. Can’t a guy look out for his own best interest without coming off like a douche?

“We’ve never met. I was there that day on business and just happened to look up and see you walking toward me. I didn’t see all of you, but I saw enough to make me take a second look, which is not something I’m used to doing. When I’m on business, I stick to business; I never let my personal life interfere. But ever since I saw you that day, it’s like something in me knew you.”

I didn’t bother asking if it made sense to her because it made sense to me. She didn’t say anything, just looked out at the night. “I don’t know what to say. This seems so unreal. So that’s how your sister recognizes me. But I don’t see….”

“There’s more. I asked around and learned your name, and then I had you investigated. My guy got as far as your marriage certificate, and I called off the investigation. I was staring at your work ID online one day, and she caught me, asked a whole lot of questions, and since I don’t lie to her, I came clean.”

“I didn’t think she even remembered you. I didn’t think that I’d ever see you again, and I never discussed you with anyone else ever again. You lived in my dreams for a long time. I had to force myself to forget you, and it felt like ripping out my ribs one by one to get to my heart. The pain was unbearable.”

“So imagine my surprise when I walked into the bakery that night and saw you here, in my town.” Are you scared yet? I wonder if she heard the intent in my voice. Or that the longer she stood there next to me without making a run for it, the more danger she was in.

“I still am at a loss for words. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.”

“I know, you married your childhood sweetheart, so that’s understandable.”

“You know about that as well.”

“Yes, I also know about the divorce; that’s why we’re up here now. If you were still married, I wouldn’t have come near you. It would’ve killed me having you so close, but now….”

I let the threat hang in the air between us until I was sure she got my meaning. “It’s been a year. How much more time do you think you need to heal?”

“Heal what?” Poor thing, she’s in a daze. I reached out and placed my hand over her heart.

“This.” I looked into her eyes as they filled up with tears.

* * *


* * *

Of all thetimes to turn into a blithering mess, this was not it. For some reason, his question and the way he reached out and touched me made me break down in a way I hadn’t before. Sure, I’ve cried, I’ve cried buckets, rivers even. But for some reason, this stranger who didn’t feel like a stranger had touched something inside of me that I don’t think I ever knew was there.

It was his eyes and the way he looked at me when he touched me that released something in my tummy, and I couldn’t hold back no matter how hard I tried. He pulled me into his chest and mumbled a soft curse under his breath. His arms felt so perfect. I’ve heard of the perfect hug, but this is the first time I’ve felt it.

He held me as close as it was possible for two people to get. I felt safe wrapped in his arms, and the way he towered over me made me feel protected and cherished. It was those very feelings that made me cry out even more.

I cried so hard it hurt, and I felt the world tilt when he lifted me in his arms and walked to one of the loungers. He sat with me on his lap, my face buried in his chest as I soaked the front of his shirt with my tears. He didn’t say anything, didn’t try to shush me or comfort me with pointless words; he just sat there and let me cry myself out all over him.

My nose was stuffy, and my chest and head hurt when I was done. And then he kissed my forehead, and the dam broke all over again. This time, he pulled me even closer to his chest, and I felt his arms like steel bands around me, holding me close.

He felt huge and solid and warm, and my tummy was doing weird things, not to mention my heart was beating wildly in my chest. Then I felt it under my hip, something long and hard and thick. Damn, that was really wasted on my hip, I could imagine a much better use for it.

My thoughts got carried away again, and I got lost in my head. I dared not move, but I wanted to so badly. I did a little hip bump into his crotch and gave myself palpitations. There’s no way that’s real. I’m hallucinating.

There’s only one way to find out: I have to do it again. I think I hissed when I felt it move beneath my hip. Did it get bigger and longer? It was definitely harder. I’m not sure how many cheap feels I snuck in there, but I was damn sure I was getting away with it.

“You done?” Eeek! I nodded my head, completely embarrassed, and from the sound of his voice, whatever interest he’d had in me was long dead because he sounded a bit strained. Was it the tears or the attack on his cock?