Page 53 of Scared Love

I put my phone away and got back to the meeting with

Pops and the guys. “I watched them at the warehouse,” says

Marco, “They know we are onto them. They’re packing up

and going to a new warehouse.”

Pops takes his seat in front of us, “Where is their new

warehouse?” Marco looked down at his hands. “Well damn

it boy! Are you gonna answer?”

“Pops, their warehouse is going to be five miles from

us! They’re on our turf! I have a reason to believe Ian was

part of Sarah’s shit too!” Marco says with tears dwelling in

his eyes. “I think he’s the one that got away!”


“What’s the fucking plan?” I ask. Agitation making my

blood start to boil,“These assholes messed up my girl and

now you're telling me that they are most likely responsible

for hurting my sister too?” All I can see is fucking red. I

need their blood. I need to taste their fucking blood. These

fucking assholes are going to meet their fucking maker.

” Vincent! Calm the fuck down,”Pops shouts. He

knows I’m about to go find those fuckers. “We need more

time to plan. We can’t go in guns blazing. With no backup.

Let me call in a few favors.”

We sit and plan out how we’re going to get these

fuckers. We make different plans and multiple back ups just

in case. All we’re waiting on are some fucking calls from


the other families. I look down at my phone to check the

time and I realize how long I was gone for. And I saw I

have multiple messages from Emma.