“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. You were my rock when I went through everything with Vik, and I’m so glad to see you happy, too,” Bianca returned, sounding beyond supportive of her. “I also heard you were pursuing medicine. How has that been going?”

At the mention of it, Anastasia’s face lit up even more like it usually did when her education was brought up, and I always found it endearing.

“It’s been amazing. After I was able to get back on my feet again, I’ve been doing really well. I’ve heard a lot of encouragement from my professors, and I’m looking forward to next semester.”

“That’s great! I’ll admit, it will be nice to have someone in the family not associated with the business,” she chided.

“As much as Yaro and Vik used to try and talk me into it, all of that is behind me. I had more than enough excitement for my lifetime.”

“I empathize with you there,” Bianca said with a quiet laugh.

“We’re getting ready for the first dance!” Grace, Yaro’s other half, called out as the table and chairs were moved to make room for everyone.

Before long, the two of us were swept into the center of the floor as a romantic song played, and we both assumed our positions.

Anastasia looked up at me with warm lights twinkling in her eyes as she placed one hand on my shoulder while the other was in mine, and we swayed gently to the music. Her smile reassured me that she was more than happy with how everything was unfolding, and it was the greatest reward I could receive.

Even as the family stood around us and watched, it felt like we were the only two people standing under that pavilion, lost in the boundless love we shared.

“Today has been more than I could ever ask for,” she said, features soft with appreciation and awe. “You didn’t have to do any of this, but thank you. It will always be one of my favorite days.”

Grinning at her, I held Anastasia close and didn’t want to let her go. Feeling her warmth and softness in my hold had me looking forward to our alone time when everything was said and done.

“You deserved more than a snap ceremony in a tiny chapel somewhere alone, and this is the first way I can make up for that,” I murmured to her, soaking in our proximity. “Through everything, I witnessed how much your family cares about you, and how you wouldn’t trade them for anything. I’m glad to know you’re surrounded by so many supportive people, and I knew they had to be here for this.”

“We are surrounded by all these supportive people,” Anastasia corrected me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze of affirmation. “We might share your last name now, but you’re one of us, too. My family is yours, and yours is mine. No matter what happens, they’ll all be here for us.”

“You know, that sentiment would’ve terrified me before, given the circumstances,” I said, letting out a chuckle as she joined in with her beautiful smile. “But I’m happy to hear it. From experience, I’ll always choose to be on the Levov’s good side.”

“Wise choice,” Anastasia hummed, leaning in to rest her head against my chest.

Surprised by how incredible it felt to love someone so intensely, and to be loved the same in return, I couldn’t imagine living without it. I found my person and my rock, and I wasn’t willing to ever let her go.

Pressing a kiss against the top of her head as we swayed slowly to the music, I allowed myself to take it all in completely so that I could look back on this moment as many times as I wished.

As the dance continued and the other couples joined in, a mutual sense of ease and comfort filled the space, and I knew we were surrounded by a good group of people we would always be able to count on.

Chapter 30 - Anastasia

Given how unorthodox our marriage had been, it was no surprise when Nik decided our honeymoon wouldn’t be reserved for one place. Instead, we went to as many locations as we could in three weeks, and while the excitement of experiencing new places and things was great, nothing could beat the spare moments we had to lie in bed and talk.

Talking could be hard when it was with the wrong people, but with Nik, it was effortless. It was something I always cherished about him.

As the sun poured into our suite in Mykonos and the breeze stirred the white curtains, I breathed in that fresh air and felt completely at peace. The sheets were lazily thrown over the two of us, barely concealing our naked bodies as Nik’s fingers traced my skin, moving from my shoulder to my waist down as far as he could reach before he returned and followed that path all over again. He drank me up, making me feel worthy of admiration. Never did I ever question how much he appreciated every inch of me.

Finding pure relaxation at that moment, aware that we would have to get up soon to follow our itinerary, I knew I only had a select few opportunities to get a secret off my chest before our honeymoon ended.

Given how perfect everything felt, I knew there would be no better time.

Luckily, I didn’t have to initiate, as Nik glanced over at me to meet my gaze. “What are you thinking about?”

“I’m thinking that I have something to tell you,” I began, aware of the butterflies in my stomach at the thought of sharing such life-changing news with him.

He cocked a brow with interest as I shuffled back to sit up more, able to look at him properly. “Go on.”

Chewing the inside of my lip, I tried to hide my growing smile, but it was impossible. It felt like finally admitting something to your parents after attempting to innocently lie, and given how his concern seemed to grow slightly with my hesitation, I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

“You know how I was feeling a bit under the weather when we were in Spain?”