Nik nodded. “Of course. You were sick as a dog that first night. I thought you ate something bad.”

“Well, it wasn’t the food,” I admitted, noting as that excitement grew within me. “I did a sneaky test last week, and as it turns out…I’m pregnant.”

Nik could only look at me for a long moment as he processed what I had just shared with him, almost like he hadn't heard what I said. Blinking back at me, he finally murmured, “You are?”

As his concerned curiosity began to crumble into quiet awe and amazement, Nik’s expression softened.

Feeling an influx of emotion, I nodded enthusiastically, unable to hold my smile back at that point.

Before I could say anything else, Nik sat up and pulled me in for a hug, squeezing me affectionately as he buried his face in my neck.

“I can’t believe it,” he managed despite his own overwhelming emotions. “You have a baby in you.”

Overjoyed and moved by his reaction, I returned the embrace, gently rocking in place with him. “We’re going to be parents.”

“We’re going to be parents,” he repeated with a touch of disbelief. Then, he pulled back enough to look me in the eyes, his own lined with happy tears. “We’re going to be parents!”

Giggling to myself as he pulled me back in, we both sat in that realization, exchanging comforting touches and mutual excitement.

While I'd had the feeling he would be overjoyed by the news, I didn’t expect him to be quite so emotional, but it was a sweet touch. It made the announcement feel even more significant.

When we pulled back, Nik kept his arms wrapped around me, and I held his face in my hands, brushing my thumbs against his cheeks. He smiled at me.

“I know we were anticipating this happening at some point, but I didn’t think it would happen so soon. I get to be a dad in a few months,” he murmured, as if testing how that title sounded. “That’s incredible.”

Returning that smile with my own warmth, my heart felt full with his amazement. “I guess this baby was ready for us, too.”

“I love you,” Nik said, growing more serious as he took me in. “You have given me all I have ever wanted, and I’m more grateful for you every day. Thank you.”

Touched by the sentiment, I wrapped my arms around his neck and soaked in his essence. “I love you too, Nik. I can’t wait to experience parenthood with you.”

Catching me by surprise, Nik crossed the short distance between us and pressed his lips against mine, letting us both savor those bursts of pleasure.

No matter how many times we kissed, that spark seemed to come alive every time, making me wish I could feel it again and again, to ignore any and all responsibilities just so we could experience that bliss all day.

Fortunately, we still had some time left on our trip to do exactly that.

When the embrace didn’t end, and he deepened the kiss even more, he stoked the excitement within me, and I felt as my body became more pliable, chasing after that familiar high we had both grown accustomed to.

Bringing a hand up to cup my cheek, Nik held me in place and kissed me as hard as he could, offering me every ounce of his love and affection. He sighed against my lips before groaning and pulling me closer.

I laughed to myself as he moved me into a laying position again, placing me on top of him. He pushed my hair behind my ear as he looked at me with such deeply rooted adoration that heat pulsed between my legs, and I couldn’t wait.

Leaning in, I crashed my lips against his while he lazily draped his arms across my back and returned it enthusiastically.

As our mouths melded together so effortlessly, things quickly heated, and we reached that point of no return where neither of us wanted to stop.

From my position, I could feel how Nik’s arousal matched my own, sparking more of that excitement within me. There was no use fighting what we both wanted.

His touch was beyond addictive, and while everything felt so perfect, it wasn’t lost on me that we had an entire day’s worth of activities planned.

Nik mumbled his dismay as I pulled back, breaking the fiery kiss. “Is there a reason we stopped?”

“Yes. What about the tour today?” I questioned with a light accusation, aware that once we started, we wouldn’t be able to stop.

“It can wait,” he murmured, searching for my lips again. “Hell, they can go without us for all I care.”

That slight resistance I had melted the moment he kissed me again, pulling me impossibly close to his perfectly sculpted body. Giving in, I let everything else fall away from my conscience, and I accepted every drop of affection he had to give.