With a simple nod, I turned and made my way across the course, aware of how those thoughts and interests collided in my mind.

I had waited years for that kind of recognition, and while it was nice to receive, I couldn’t turn a blind eye to the rest of it. The dangerous aspects that would inevitably become a slippery slope later on.

It was a gamble being married to a Levov and working for the Caprises, but I knew I’d eventually have to make a choice. I couldn’t stick with both, not while the feud was ongoing. I couldn’t put either of us at risk forever.

Regardless of what I decided to do, I had to keep Anastasia in the forefront of my mind.

Chapter 17 - Anastasia

I had never been nervous to reach out to my brothers before, but the circumstances were very different at the moment. I was never one to shy away from making announcements or surprising them with something, but I found myself in hot water, and I was doing my best to navigate it without them.

I wasn’t about to tell them I had spent a ridiculous amount of money on something frivolous, or that I had come up with a brilliant new idea I wanted to pursue. Instead, I was about to let them know that I had been kidnapped, but it was fine because I also happened to marry the man who did it.

That my very identity had changed in the course of a week, and I technically wasn’t a Levov anymore.

I didn’t know what I was going to say or how I was going to break it to them, but I couldn’t wait forever. They had been waiting long enough without any idea of where I ended up, and I didn’t want to worry them any more than I already had.

It should’ve felt like a complete relief to have the chance to speak with them and let them know I was alright, but the weight of everything sat heavily on my shoulders, and I didn’t know how they’d react.

My brothers, regardless of how annoying they could be, were a lifeline for me. As much as I disliked their career choice and refusal to give it up, I loved them, and I didn’t want them to suffer. They would want the same for me, and I suspected they were unbelievably worried.

I wasn’t always one to check in routinely, or I’d find myself so wrapped up in my travels that I’d forget to return their calls, but I always did eventually. Normally I didn’t go this long without updating them, somehow.

Given their line of work, they were often paranoid about every little thing, to my usual dismay. But at that moment, they had a right to be, and I held on to the hope that they had at least been looking for me in the meantime.

It was strange to finally hold my phone in my hand again after going so long without it, but since Nik gave me the go-ahead to contact them, the time had finally come.

Looking down at it, I had too many thoughts moving through my head at once to even unlock it.

Even if he had given me the green light, I still technically had a decision to make when it came to Nik and my loyalty to him. It felt like I finally got the thing I had wanted while I was trapped in the spare bedroom, yet that opportunity left me feeling paralyzed.

I could call them and spill everything about Nik and tell them to come get me with whatever means necessary. They would be left to do as they pleased, and Nik would have to fend for himself. I would have my freedom back, and the ability to live as I intended. I could try and forget that anything even happened and continue going to class.

Yet I couldn’t help but feel like I’d be throwing that man I met in Europe under the bus just to spare myself. It would be the easier way out, but it also felt selfish.

Not only was Nik a brother to someone, but he had been important to me even if we only knew each other for a short while. We somehow reached levels of closeness that most people didn’t accomplish until months, potentially years later, and it would be a shame to throw that away.

As easy as it would be to tell Yaro and Vik everything, I genuinely wanted to find that connection with Nik again. I couldn’t do that if I let my brothers target him.

With a deep breath, I unlocked the phone and tried to ride that boost of courage for as long as possible. I clicked on my contacts and scrolled through until I found Yaro’s number, and I tapped it before I could talk myself out of it.

Hearing the ringer made my nerves spike, but to my surprise, he picked up after the first ring.

“Anastasia?” He questioned, voice hoarse and urgent. “Is that you?”

“Yes, it’s me, Yaro,” I managed, despite the tears that stung my eyes. It was so nice to hear his voice again.

“What the hell happened?” Yaro asked, sounding slightly more demanding despite the waver. “Me and Vik have been worried sick! We saw the footage, but—are you alright? Is everything okay?”

With a sigh, I could tell the not-knowing part had been incredibly hard on him. Given the softening of his tone at the end, he was trying his best to not lash out like he normally did.

“I’m okay, and I’m safe. I know this has been confusing and scary, and I’m sorry everything happened this way. I’ll tell you what I can, but I’d rather do it in person.”

He hesitated for a moment. “Why the secrecy? What’s going on?”

“You and Vik deserve to know, but I need to see you first. Everything is…delicate.”

Yaro sighed. “That doesn’t instill me with much confidence, you know. We’ve had every man available out searching for you since we saw the security footage at the lecture hall. I’d like to know where you are so we can come get you.”