It came as no surprise that he would be prepared to storm the place if given the chance, but I knew I couldn’t let that happen. I needed to keep him subdued long enough to hear me out. I had the feeling I should’ve called Vik.

“Please do as I say, Yaro. I’m planning on going to a bistro tomorrow, and I’ll send you the location, but I need you to promise me it’ll only be you and Vik. That’s important,” I said, using the most serious tone I could muster. “I want to see you both, but I need you to respect that. We can talk and I’ll catch you up on what’s been going on.”

He paused again before letting out a deep breath, and I could tell he was debating it with himself. “Alright, fine. I need to see that you’re really safe. I’ll let Vik know, and we’ll be there.”

Flooded with relief, I smiled faintly. “Thank you. Again, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to contact you until now.”

“It’s alright,” he said, softer than before. “I’m just glad to hear your voice. We’ve both been going crazy lately, and we’ve been causing some issues with the family because of it. But what matters is that you reached out to me.”

That guilt wrapped around my heart, especially since it wasn’t my choice to not have contact, but it was too complicated to explain then. Even if they assumed I either forgot or got held up somehow, at least they knew I was still alive.

“I missed you. Both of you,” I said, getting the words out despite how my throat threatened to close up around them. “I can’t wait to see you.”

“We missed you too, Anastasia. This has made my entire week, and I know Vik will feel the same way. Be careful wherever you are, alright?”

Sniffling back my emotions, I nodded despite being alone in the room. “I’ll try my best.”

As we said our goodbyes, it took everything in me to not break down.

Even if I had spent a big portion of my life away from them while I traveled the world, my brothers were my rocks, and the thought of making them worry that much had my stomach in knots.

At the very least, Yaro agreed to my terms, and I’d get to see them soon enough.

Twirling my wedding band around my finger, I silently hoped that everything would go well and that I wasn’t forced to choose between my family and the man I hoped to connect with again.


“Do you think it’ll just be the two of them?” Nik asked from the driver’s seat as he pulled up to a parking space. “Or should I expect an ambush?”

Letting go of a nervous breath, I tried to ease my anxiety as it mingled with anticipation to see them again. “No ambush. Yaro promised.”

“Let’s hope he honors that promise.”

As Nik parked and killed the engine, there was no doubting how nervous we both were. At the very least, I wasn’t alone.

We got out of the car and made our way to the bistro as I dropped the location to Yaro, anticipating that he wouldn’t be too long. Knowing him, he’d be flying down the highway.

Seated outside under an umbrella, Nik and I glanced around at the place. It was open enough, and there were enough people around to prevent my brothers from causing any public freak-outs. It was suitable, and while I had hoped it would quell Nik’s worry to some degree, I still had my doubts.

“I’m still not sure why you suggested this, but I’m glad. You’re putting a lot on the line here, and it means a lot to have the chance to see my brothers again,” I said, hoping to fill the tense silence.

“This wasn’t exactly how I anticipated meeting your family for the first time, but I guess we all start somewhere.”

Despite his nerves, I found the sentiment charming. It was nice to know he had considered such a thing before, even if our situation was beyond unusual.

“I wish I could tell you what to expect, but I don’t even know what to expect.”

It didn’t seem to help at all, but Nik took a deep breath and steadied himself anyway.

Eventually, a blacked-out SUV pulled up to the street and parked not far away. Sure enough, Yaro and Vik stepped out, and the moment I saw them, it felt like the whole world stopped.

I wanted to run to them, but I knew I needed to keep it together. I didn’t want to draw any unwanted attention to us, not while the situation needed to be diffused every step of the way.

They glanced around, and when they found me, relief immediately flooded their features. Quickening their pace, both of them reached the bistro within seconds.

Unable to hold back, I stood and met them partway. Immediately, I was pulled into a tight squeeze by Yaro as he held me, taking in the moment.

“Thank god you’re alright,” he murmured, looking half relieved and half devastated when he pulled back enough to take in my face. “I was ready to pull this entire city apart until we found you.”