“That’s my good, good girl.” He kissed her fiercely, her tears salted their kiss. She moaned against his lips, pulling at her restraints needing to touch him. “He doesn’t belong here. You’re mine. Say it again.”
“I’m yours.” He’s not here. She reminded herself. A mantra she repeated silently.
Lexi shifted on the hydraulic table, her hand clung to his and he whispered words of love and affirmation into her ear until her anxieties ebbed away. Her fingers had finally relaxed enough for her to center herself.
“God you're beautiful, you're doing so well.”
“I'm good, Sir. I needed a moment.” His hands moved over her body, knowing what she needed beyond the words she gave him.
He stood, rubbing his thumbs to swipe at the tears on her cheeks. Noah grabbed a sports bottle of water and held it up to her lips. She obeyed his silent demand and sipped the cool water. “Easy.” He studied her face for signs of distress and kissed her forehead when he found none. “That’s my girl. I think you need a little distraction afterall.”
Noah milled about the room, leaving her line of sight briefly before returning with a small bottle of essencial oil in his hand.
Ignoring her trepidation he pulled her tank top up to expose her breasts.
“Focus on me and what I do to you, Lexi.” He spoke lovingly, opening the bottle and rubbing the oil on her nipples. “It’s the only thing that matters, isn’t that right sweet pea?”
“Oh, my…fu–” she groaned, worming helplessly on the table, her nipples tightened into stiff peaks.
“We’re missing one more thing.” he punctuated his words and stuffed her panties in her mouth.
Lexi bit into them, her eyes rolling back as she rode every sensation hitting her system. The cool air of the room combined with the peppermint oil Noah had rubbed on her skin caused her nipples to stiffen into tight peaks.
The sensations rocked from hot to cold and it took restraint not to cover them to relieve the discomfort.
Lexi moaned around the makeshift gag, her breathing slow and even through her nose. Staring at the murel on the wall behind Noah, she lost herself in the music playing in the background.
Any other day, Noah would have been over the moon floating out in the harbor with Nolan but his mind was lost on shore to the siren with the most beautiful blue eyes.
"...I can't wait until the girls are done with this party, I miss my wife."
Noah shook his head, freeing his mind of the mental fog, turning his attention toward Nolan. "Wait, did yo--"
"Oh gosh no," Nolan laughed. "Yours would have my hide if I denied her that."
"Don't I know it." She seemed interested in everyone else's wedding than having one of her own.
"We're waiting until Zander goes back to school to figure out our plans. Mia was thinking about the end of winter, or beginning of spring."
"I'm happy for you guys, really. I've been around long enough to see the change in Mia since you two met. You're good for each other."
"She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's surreal to say that because our love came after so much grief." Noah nodded absent-mindedly, remembering that Mia had shared the same pain of losing someone they loved.
"I'm waiting on my mother and sister to show up in the middle of the night and plan it themselves honestly. They insist on having a wedding before Mia has another baby."
"She sounds like mine." He should call her. “My mom always said I was stubborn. I take after my dad that way.” Noah sighed, leaning back against the deck chair, absently drinking his beer. His eyes were unfocused, looking at the sunset off the boat. “Work hard, love harder.”
“Good life skills,” Nolan commented, wrapping a length of rope around from palm to elbow and tucking the end in a loop to secure it in place.
“Noah, you seem lost.”