“Remember to breathe for me.”

“Yes, Sir.” Lexi exhaled, concentrating on the scents and sounds around her.

The first touch of metal to skin was a shock to the system. A bucket of scalding water to her system and her muscles tightened, straining against the ropes that she now understood their true purpose.

“Oh, fuck.” Her eyes rolled up and she squeezed them tighter as if they’d block out the pain.

‘Look at you. Easy pickings.’

Lexi’s eyes opened. She swallowed hard and began to count the tiles on the ceiling, wanting to be outside and away from the inner turmoil that rose to the surface.

Her blood rushed through her ears like white noise, drowning out any and every other thought than the pain that barreled down, threatening to take her under “Noah, fuck Noah, it hurts!”

“I know. Don't move.”

“ Oh fuck fuck.” Sucking in a deep breath, the tears flowed freely. They weren't purely from physical pain.

Noah gripped the skin of her thigh, steadying the area of focus. Lexi closed her eyes and drew in on his scent. With a steady hand, he moved the solder along their preplanned lines. Her mind blurred at the smell of her skin, memories and moments she longed to take control of bubbled to the surface.

‘You stupid cunt.’

‘I’m not done with you.’

Phantom pain bloomed in her abdomen and her ribs ached. “N-no!” She gnashed her teeth at the memory. ‘You don’t control me.’

“ I got you.”

“Fuck fuck it hurts.” She knew the pain would be there, but to feel it rise to the forefront–she was drowning.

‘Stupid bitch, where’s your family now, huh?!’

“Breathe through it, baby. Take a moment. I’m right here.”

Noah’s words sounded watery and far away. She was adrift in a sea of darkness.

Panting short bursts, she squeezed her eyes closed tightly until spots formed behind her eyes.

Noah stood, cupping her face and checking for signs of her limits being reached. “Is it too much? Do you want to stop? Check in for me, baby. Color?”

“Lime.” She wheezed, resting her forehead against his. He rubbed her shoulder with a slow hypnotic motion until their breathing synced.

Through her tears, she reached for his hand through her ties. Her wrist strained and she grabbed onto his shirt, sighing when she touched his skin, anchoring her.

“Do you want to stop?”

“No, Sir.” her breathing was choppy, and she stared at the ceiling her eyes trailing along the curves of the painted mural distracting her mind as the adrenaline leveled out.

“Lexi,” he warned.

She turned her eyes toward him, a stray tear trailed down into her hairline. “I trust you to know my limits.” She sucked in a breath and held it, letting it out slowly. “I trust you to trust I know mine.”

Noah was silent, pulling off the gloves he wore and stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. “I do. I love your tears.”

“My tears are yours,” she vowed.

“Say it again,” he commanded, bringing her to the present and away from the past. “Who do you belong to?”

Her lip curved upward, she turned her head and pressed her cheek against his palm. “You. I belong to you, Noah.”