“A what?”

“The pharmacy has a pill you can take if the condom breaks, or the man forgets or whatever. It’s not one hundred percent effective, but it can stop most pregnancies from occurring if you take it right after.”

“How do you know about a ‘morning after’ pill?” I can’t help but ask.

“Everyone knows about it. Some women carry them around all the time, just in case.”

“Could you get me one?”



“Not because I don’t want to, but Daddy will find out from the guards and think I’m fucking someone. Ask Vanessa to get you one or go get it yourself.”

“If Vanessa gets one, he’ll still find out.”

“True. You could ask your husband, but he’s not going to want you to take it. In fact, he could lose his shit if you do.”

“Lose his shit?”

“If you don’t think he won’t hurt you, sis, then you’re ridiculously naïve. Daddy may keep us locked away for our safety, but some men hit women or worse.”

I don’t know what the “worse” is and really don’t want to find out. “It was just one time, so I’m probably not going to get pregnant.” If I did get pregnant, would Lochlan give up other women then? Doubtful.

“Where did you do it at?”

“Against a wall.”

“Ow. Losing your virginity against a wall must have hurt like a motherfucker. But I meant where, what location?”

“It did hurt. And we were in an employee break room at that club. After Lochlan beat up the man I was with, he stabbed his knife through his hand, then he kissed me roughly and we…did it.”

“Whoa. He stabbed a guy? Why?”

“The guy kissed me, and he grabbed my ass before Lochlan interrupted.”

“How was it?” she asks with a grin.

“Hard and painful at first, but it got better toward the end. His tongue felt so much better… Still, neither of those things are going to happen again until he refuses to stop sleeping around with other women. His prostitutes.”

Cass tilts her head, studying me. “Does he have a pet name for you?”

“What sort of pet name? He likes telling me what to do. Sometimes I think he wants me to act like an obedient dog, while other times I think he would prefer if I disobeyed him...”

“No, I mean, you know how Daddy has always called Vanessa butterfly?”

“Yes. And?”

“Does Lochlan call you Sophie?”

Thinking it over, I tell her, “He doesn’t use my name unless he’s angry. Most of the time he calls me princess.”

“Princess? Oh, he’s got it bad.”

“Got what bad?”

“Nothing. Are you going to go marry him or not? If he’s that damn good with his tongue, then I’ll definitely marry him.”