Is she kidding? If I don’t marry Lochlan, would he really marry Cass instead? I thought she was adamant that she wouldn’t, but I don’t want to find out. The thought of Lochlan with her makes my stomach clench into a knot.

“No, I’ll marry him,” I blurt out in a rush. “Did you know he’s going to be Daddy’s heir?”

“What?” she whispers, her face frozen. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. I guess he doesn’t think we’re capable of handling it.”

“That’s bullshit,” Cass mutters. “If Lochlan’s marrying you to get his hands on Daddy’s money and power, then his tongue isn’t worth it.”

To hear her say that…is that what she actually thinks or is she trying to convince me to back out of the wedding so she can swoop in to be Lochlan’s wife instead?

My head tells me to let her have him.

But my heart, for whatever reason, aches at the thought of seeing her and him together. Along with another body part that’s aching and wants him for some stupid reason…

Blowing out a breath, I ask her, “Is my hair fixed?”

“So, you’re going to do this? You’re going to marry him even though he only wants Daddy’s money?”


“And will keep screwing hookers?”

“I won’t let him touch me again until he stops.”

“That’s never going to happen,” she says confidently. “Maybe he’ll let you watch.”

“Watch what?” I ask before I realize what she meant. “I don’t want to watch him with other women!”

“Then you’re going to need some leverage.”


“If you get pregnant with his kid, you could have the upper hand.”

“I don’t want to be a mother.”

“Expecting a man to be faithful is unreasonable,” Cass grumbles.

“Daddy’s faithful to Vanessa.”

“For now.”

“He loves her. He wouldn’t ever cheat on her.”

“And you think Lochlan Dunne will fall in love with you?” she asks with a bark of laughter. “If so, you’re delusional.”

“Why are you such a bitch?” I ask her.

“Right, I’m a bitch and you’re Daddy’s little angel. You do everything Daddy says, so let’s get on with it. We both know you were never going to back out. You’re so pathetic you’ll do anything for his attention, even pretend to have cold feet so Daddy and Lochlan would come running.”

“I’ll do anything for attention?” I scoff. “You’re the one walking around with your boobs hanging out of your dress for attention. I agreed to this marriage to avoid a war, but you were too selfish to do that.”

“Yes, you’re such a selfless saint.”

“Ugh, let’s just get this over with,” I huff before leading the way out of the suite.

Near the stairs leading to the roof, my dad and Vanessa are waiting for us.