“After they agreed to work for Salvato, they’re lucky I let them keep their jobs. They work for me, and they won’t step foot in this bedroom. Besides, they’ve probably already gone home for the night.”
Her lips part with an indignant gasp. Shaking her head, her blue eyes glistening, she says, “So you can do anything you want to me, but I can’t touch you?”
“Why?” she exclaims the question just as the first tear tumbles down her cheek.
Seeing her upset torments me, almost more than my past. Sophie hates that I’ve been with so many other people before her, while she has zero experience with anyone but me and the one stupid boy who grabbed her ass. She’s called me a dirty, filthy bastard. She already thinks I’m disgusting. If she knew where and how I learned my way around a woman’s body, she wouldn’t want to lay a finger on me. Would she ever let me touch her again if I told her?
That’s too big of a risk for me to take.
While I’m an asshole for enjoying seeing her tears the first time I fucked her, I don’t like them right now when she’s hurting in a different way because of my cruelty.
“Please stop crying.”
“Let me go or tell me why right now,” she demands. I fucking loathe being told what to do, even by her.
“This doesn’t have anything to do with you, okay?” I try to explain. “So please just drop it.”
“Why can’t you just tell me?”
“Because once I do, you will run from me. Again,” I tell her honestly.
Sophie’s head shakes from side to side. “I don’t want any secrets between us again. If I can trust you, I won’t leave. Tell me. Please?”
She can say those words all she wants, but it still feels like she’ll always have one foot out the door. Nothing will ever guarantee she’ll trust me or stay with me, not even all the manacles in the world.
Well, maybe my kid…
“It’s not a secret. Not really. It’s just…fucked up shit that happened years ago. Nothing you need to ever know.”
“Then get off me. I don’t want you touching me again, not until you can be honest with me.”
I fucking hate her threat of doing exactly what I expected.
“You can’t stop me from touching you, though, can you?”
We stare at each other for a long moment before she opens her mouth, and screeches loud enough to temporarily deafen me. “LENA!”
I slap my palm over her mouth, muffling her guard’s name. “She can’t help you. Nobody will save you from me, princess. Especially if my baby is growing inside of you.”
Getting her pregnant may be the only fucking way for me to keep her. Not even Dante Salvato could keep me from my son or daughter.
And seeing the angry fire burning in her eyes makes me so fucking hard.
Reaching down with my free hand, I line my cock up, pressing it to her opening. Sophie shakes her head from side to side while my palm muffles her adamant refusal.
My choices are severely limited here. I could take her, likely for the last time, or release her wrists so she can flee, potentially never to come near me again. Or…I could just fucking tell her the truth, knowing she’s not going to want me afterwards.
All roads lead to me losing her, which is the last thing I want.
“The only way I’ll tell you is if you’ll promise on your father’s life to stay with me.”
She easily nods her head, so I lift my palm from her mouth.