Page 117 of Ruthless Little Games

“Thank you,” Lochlan says, leaning over to press a kiss to my lips. “And I do hope she comes home safe and sound.”

“Cass admitted to me that you never flirted with her or asked her to marry you.”

“Did she now? Good of her to own up to her lies.” Brushing my now loose, damp hair aside to cup my cheek, he presses more kisses to my lips, then says, “She was obviously jealous of you, and rightfully so.”

I don’t know why Cass would be jealous of me. She just didn’t like being Lochlan’s third choice.

That reminds me what else Cass told me. I wonder if Lochlan knows his chance of being my father’s heir is now zero. If not, I don’t want to be the one to tell him. I’m not sure I want to know how he’ll react just yet if it’ll change everything between us.

Still, I can’t help but ask him another question, “Who is your successor? I mean, if something happened to you, who would take over the brothels and casino if you don’t have any children and…” I trail off.

“Flynn is my father’s only other son. But Owen is blood too, so he’s my second. Am I currently rethinking leaving shit to the two of them? Hell, yes. They’ve both crossed a lot of lines lately. It may be time to make a change and put it in writing, choosing someone outside the Dunne line. They know this life, were raised in it. Owen’s father worked with mine. Flynn and Owen help out when I need them to with both businesses. But honestly, I would prefer to leave whatever is left of my legacy to you or my own son or daughter, though. Whatever is left of it…”

Before we can start talking about children again, I ask him another question while he’s in a talkative mood. “Will it always be like this, with my wrists in cuffs?”

Now Lochlan seems to avoid my gaze while running a fingertip up the underside of my arm. “I thought you liked to be restrained and at my mercy.”

“I do,” I agree. “But it would be nice to be able to touch you, to kiss you…”


“Why not?”

“It’s better this way. I’ll only have you touch me or put your mouth on me when I’m desperate. I told you that you didn’t have to earlier.”

Okay, that doesn’t sound like just a right now thing, but an always one. I’m never allowed to touch him unless it’s his decision?

I try to recall all of our other intimate occasions. Lochlan fingered me under the dinner table, then put my hand on his crotch that I embarrassingly jerked away. He pinned me to a wall and fucked me. I had my hands and fingernails digging into his throat that night, which he allowed and could’ve stopped. Then I touched his chest, but over his jacket. When I ran my fingers through his hair, he pinned them above my head.

When he came to the dressing room before the wedding and went down on me, I didn’t touch him much, mostly because I was still angry with him and didn’t want to.

Then, in the SUV after the attack when I got on my knees, I put my mouth on him and took him in my hand easily enough.

He wasn’t thrilled with me hitting him with the belt, but I didn’t leave him much choice if he wanted my forgiveness.

“When I’ve touched you before, did I do something wrong?”

“No, but I didn’t give you much of a choice, did I? And I don’t want to talk about this shit anymore.”

“But…I don’t understand.

“You don’t have to fucking understand; you just have to shut up and leave it alone!”

Wow. Why does he sound so angry at me for asking these questions?

If he’s going to yell at me, then I don’t want to tolerate the stupid wrists cuffs a second longer.

“Free me,” I tell him, biting my lip to keep it from trembling.


I scoff at his swift refusal. “Let me go now, Lochlan!”

Rather than release my wrists, he climbs on top of me, his green eyes darkening so there’s little gold in them. “I’m not ready to let you go yet, and it’s my decision, remember? Even if you change your mind…”


“Lochlan…” Sophie’s bottom lip quivers before she tries to scramble out from under me. It’s no point when I can just grab her hips and drag her body right back under mine or restrain her ankles again. “If you don’t let me go…” she starts, then pauses as if trying to figure out what she can fucking do about it. “I’ll scream for Lena and Toni.”