The man looks from me to Eli, then back again. “Well? Answer him!” Eli roars.
“It’s…it’s the best part of my life. Everything I do is for my kids and my wife.”
“Glad to hear that,” I tell him just as a ding comes from Eli’s side of the room.
“Time’s up,” the crazy bastard announces. “Any last words?”
Sherman shakes his head.
Eli studies the device in a long, drawn-out silence. Finally, he says, “He’s clear.”
Clapping my hands together, I say, “Great. Back to work, Sherman. As long as you and your employees aren’t clocking in extra hours, I don’t give a shit.”
“You don’t?” he replies.
“Nope. We do have more employees to talk to, some of yours probably. Let’s keep this conversation between us, though, yeah?”
“Yes. Yes, sir.” He’s up and out of his seat a second later. I watch him walk to the door and out of it in a hurry, as if we might change our minds.
“How many have you talked to so far?” I ask Eli. “And where did all this blood come from?”
“Me.” He unrolls the gauze I thought were covering bloody knuckles. His knuckles are bleeding, but not as badly as the slit across his palm. “A little blood goes a long way in getting people to talk.”
“How…authentic of you,” I mutter.
“I don’t do anything half-assed,” the psycho responds. “And Sherman was the tenth of the day.”
I provided Eli with a list of supervisors in and around the casino who could’ve put a bomb on the cart at some point before the event. If we start at the top and work our way down, it’s more likely the employees with better pay and positions will rat out anyone they suspect of, well, anything.
“Keep at it. I know we can’t stop them from talking about what’s going on in here, which is what I intended. If the one we’re looking for overhears and doesn’t come when called or suddenly disappears…”
“Then we’ve got them.”
It’s probably going to be a long, tedious process, but it’s the best I’ve got to try and find the fucker responsible. Having someone to put the blame on could go a long way in the civil case too. Which means I need to find the person responsible before the meeting in LA that’s just a few days away.
Before the next employee comes in, I get a text from Wolfe.
Something’s up, boss. Guards at the estate just reported to me that you’ve arrived back at home, heading straight into the garage. I told them they’re mistaken.
“What the fuck?” I mutter as I read, then reread, his text. I even send back a WTF before heading to the door. At least whatever is up is happening when I know Sophie is safe and sound at the tennis center. I text Lena just to make sure and get her instant confirmation.
“Trouble?” Eli asks.
“Just a mistake, I think. Either way, I have to go figure it out. Keep going down the list and let me know if you find out anything of substance,” I tell him before leaving.
Ihaven’t flown much in my life, despite the fact that my father has his own jet, but the happy, bubbly sensation inside me today makes me feel like I’m floating up there with the clouds.
That’s probably just the aftereffects of so many orgasms so close together. I flew high with each one, sometimes soaring again before the first one finished.
Lochlan is…the master of my body. It’s like he knows every inch of me better than I do. He’s an intimidating businessman walking around in a suit, but when he’s naked and has me chained to his bed, he’s an insatiable monster.
And I love it.