Every second. Even the restraints, despite the discomfort to my arms and shoulders today.

Swinging the tennis racquet may be painful but I don’t care. The ache will just remind me of all the hot moments with Lochlan.

I still haven’t played on the repaired court at the estate. Not that I’ve really had a chance with Lochlan keeping me busy in bed. I’ve lied to myself saying that it’s him and the Vegas heat keeping me from playing, when really it still smells like burning plastic.

But I want to play, and Julia told me I could use the indoor court at the tennis center if there’s no class, which is most of the morning when there’s only a private lesson or two going on.

“Have fun,” Toni says as she takes up her position at the entrance while Lena heads to the one in the back.

“Thanks,” I say with a smile over my shoulder.

Since it’s early, I head for the office to see if Stacy or one of the other staff want to join me. All four of the women are standing in a huddle, and they stop talking when they see me. It’s almost like they were all talking about me.

Crap. Is Julia mad I didn’t call to tell her I wouldn’t be in while Lochlan and I were in California or during our sex-a-thon yesterday? I’ve never had a job or volunteered before, but I probably should’ve notified her.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I don’t think so. That’s why I begin my greeting with an apology.

“Hey, I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to come in the past few days.”

“It’s fine, Sophie,” Julia says. “We all heard about the awful attack on the Dunne estate.”

“Right, well, it was a close call, but everyone is fine.”

She clutches her palm to her chest. “And we are so relieved to hear that. However, I’m going to have to ask you take a pause in your volunteer work here.”

“A pause? Why?”

“We’re afraid it’s not safe at the moment.”

“You don’t think I’m safe here? But I always have guards with me.”

The four women exchange silent looks before Julia clarifies her statement. “I meant that we don’t think it’s safe for the children if you’re here. It would be terrible if Lochlan’s enemies were to try and harm you during a lesson. I’m sure you can understand our concern.”

They don’t want me to volunteer because they think I’m too much of a risk to the kids.

Wow. I can’t believe I didn’t even consider that I could be attacked in public, at this place, just because someone hates Lochlan.

“I’m…I’m sorry. I should’ve realized…” I trail off, swallowing around the burning in my throat and stinging in my eyes.

“We loved having you, Sophie,” Julia says with a small smile. Loved. Past tense as in it’s over now for good. So much for a pause.

“I appreciate the opportunity,” I tell them softly before I turn and hurry out, not wanting anyone to see the tears overflowing from my eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Toni asks at my hurried approach toward the door.

I shake my head. “Just take me home.”

“Already? You just got here!” She holds open the door for me, then murmurs, “Shit. You’re crying. What did those snobby wenches say to you?”

Her cell phone is in her hand, texting Lena that we’re leaving.

“I’m no longer welcome here,” I explain, followed by a sniffle.

“What? Why not?” Toni asks a moment before it occurs to her. “Oh, fuck. The drone attack?”

“Yep. They think I’m a danger…” Leaning my back against the side of the SUV I cover my face.

“I hate that, Soph.”