Page 49 of Taming 7

“Yeah,” Katie agreed with a smile. “You two have been joined at the hip this summer.”

“This summer?” Hugh snorted. “Try every summer since 1989.”

“Damn straight,” Gerard agreed, leaning in to press another kiss to my cheek. “My little Leo.”

“No lips on my sister,” Hugh grumbled, but it was a defeated sound. He’d clearly consumed too much alcohol to care anymore. “Dammit, Gibs.”

“Thank god for this one,” Gerard continued, wrapping an arm around me. “I thank my lucky stars every day for her friendship.”


“I’m not even sorry,” Gerard laughed. “One of you is a mute and the other is a permanent fucking rain cloud.”

“I’m not a mute,” Hugh argued.

“No, you’re the rain cloud,” Gerard replied, pointing a finger at Patrick. “He’s the mute.”

“Maybe if you shut your mouth every once in a while, I would have a chance to speak,” Patrick drawled, stretching his legs out.

“Speak now,” I urged. “Because I’m getting sick of listening to the voice in my head.”

“Voice or voices?”

“My inner voice, asshole.”

“Just checking.”

“You guys are so mean to each other,” Katie declared with a yawn. “It’s terrible.”

“Nah, this is just our love language,” Hugh replied, draping a blanket over her shoulders. “I’d take a bullet for anyone of these assholes.”

“Right back at you, brother,” Gerard replied, offering Hugh the middle finger. “In a heartbeat.”

“Speak for yourselves,” Patrick interjected, following on from Katie’s yawn with a huge one of his own. “I wouldn’t piss on either one of you if you were on fire.”

“Nice.” Gerard and Hugh chuckled in unison.

“Boys are weird,” Katie said. “Boy code is even weirder.”

“Totally,” I agreed. “Don’t even try to understand these weirdos, chickie. I’ve been around these boys for sixteen years and their friendship dynamics still confuse me.”

An audible moan came from a nearby tent, causing Gerard to clearly state the first thing that sprang to his mind, “So, I guess Cap’s getting his hole, huh?”

“Jesus, Gibs,” Patrick groaned. “I don’t want to think about it.”

“Yeah,” Hugh agreed with a shudder. “The girl is like a sister to us.”

“Ew, don’t even say it like that, Gerard,” I added. “‘Getting his hole.’” I grimaced in disgust. “What a horrible reference to the physical act of love.”

“Wow,” Hugh deadpanned. “What a horrible reference to sex.”

“What?” I asked. “Physical act of love?”

“Ugh.” He shuddered. “That’s so wrong, Claire.”

“Why?” Katie laughed. “It’s what they’re doing, isn’t it?”

“To be honest, babe, I don’t want to think about what Cap is doing.”