Page 50 of Taming 7

“I prefer getting his hole,” Gerard declared.

“Me too,” both Hugh and Patrick agreed.

“Absolutely not,” Katie argued. “That’s so crude.”

“I have it,” Gerard announced, holding a hand up. “They are fucking with feelings!”

“Fucking with feelings.”


“It’s best of a bad bunch.”

“It’s genius!”

“It sounds sort of serious,” Patrick mused. “To fuck with feelings?”

“I fuck myself with feelings all the time,” Gerard offered up. “It’s nice.”

“Gerard!” I squealed.

“As you should, lad,” Patrick laughed.

“Ew,” Katie groaned.

“Shoot me now,” Hugh muttered.

“Fucking with feelings,” Gerard continued. “It’s centrifugal motion.”

“It’s what?” Both Hugh and Patrick turned to gape at their friend. “Gibs, what the hell are you talking about?”

“Fucking with feelings,” he said proudly. “It’s centrifugal motion.”

“Now, where in the name of Jesus did you hear that word?” Patrick asked.

“I know words,” Gerard huffed, tone defensive.

“Says the fella who tried to convince the whole of fourth class that tyrant was a breed of dinosaur.”

“Hey! That was an easy mistake, and you know it.” Gerard shrugged noncommittally. “Could have happened to anyone.”

“Funny how the things that could happen to anyone usually only happen to you, Gibs.”

“Centrifugal motion,” Hugh mused, scratching his jaw. “I think we covered that in science last year.” He turned to look at Gerard. “Since when did you take up physics, lad?”

“I clearly didn’t,” Gerard huffed. “But if it’s good enough for a Faith Hill song, then it’s good enough for me.”

Smiling to myself, I sat back and listened to their pointless rambling. Weird and dysfunctional as they were, I loved the three boys sitting around the campfire—and their captain who was nursing my drunk bestie. Every one of these stupid boys brought something to the table.

Patrick Feely, for example. He was quiet and closed off, but that’s because you didn’t know Patrick until you knew Patrick. He didn’t suffer fools. He didn’t bend or break or submit to peer pressure. He wasn’t trying to fit in with anyone. If that made him uncool to our peers, it meant little to nothing to him. He had his secrets and his troubles, like the rest of us, but they were unspoken. In fact, I had known him since early childhood and still felt very closed off from him at times.

Then you had my brother, Hugh. Take personal sibling irks and pet peeves out of the equation, and you had another levelheaded, decent boy. And no, I didn’t say that because he was related to me. He just was.

Moving on to Johnny, and you had a boy living in a man’s world, body and mind. Maybe it was because of the life he led, or the fact that he’d mapped his future out before the rest of us, but he was most different. He wasn’t naturally calm or reserved like Patrick but had channeled his self-control like a finely worked muscle in his body.

Seriously, the boy had some epic willpower and was able to bend his will to his favor. I’d never seen anything like it. The way he could exude power and then rein it back in with a tight iron fist.

The only person I’d ever see get under his skin was my best friend. Yeah, Shan blew that self-control to hell on her very first day at school.