Page 158 of Taming 7

“Well, shit.” Hugh set his fork down and gave me his full attention. “You really went back in the water?” He gave me a meaningful look. “How was it?”

“Bearable,” I replied with a shrug. And then, because I was feeling bitter, I added, “Claire’s an amazing teacher.” I narrowed my eyes at the cuckoo with his arm around my lovebird. “Very hands on.”

Jamie’s nostrils flared, letting me know that he clearly got my drift.

Yeah, I’m watching you, fucker. I glared back at him. Keep your goddamn hands off.

“We better get going,” he said, reaching for Claire’s hand. “The film starts in half an hour.”

“Oh, okay.” Yanking her hand out of his reach, she flicked her eyes to me before shaking her head and making a bolt for the kitchen door. “See you later, guys.”

“Toodles,” I called after them, tone laced with an unhealthy dollop of sarcasm. The moment the sound of the front door slamming filled the air, I face-planted the table and groaned. “Fuck my life.”

“You good, Gibs?”

“She’s going out with him.”


“Who?” I raised my head to gape at him “Mary McAleese. Claire, you spanner. Claire! Who else?”

“Yeah, and you should support it,” Hugh replied, tone suddenly serious. “I mean it, Gibs. You need to let her go.”


“Why?” Now, he was the one to eyeball me. “Because you’ve been leading her on for years.”

“I haven’t.”

“You have, lad.”

“I love your sister,” I enunciated every word, knowing that it might lead me to an ass-kicking, but not caring either way. It was the truth. “I love your sister, Hugh.”

“Not the right way,” he replied, reaching for his fork once more. “Not the way she needs you to.”

“Which is?”

“If you think I’m giving you tips on wooing my sister, you’re off your rocket.”

“I’m a wonderful woo-er.”

“Sure you are, lad.”

“I am,” I huffed, folding my arms across my chest. “I can woo.”

“You’re a messer is what you are,” he replied between mouthfuls of roast beef. “And that’s grand. We all love your messy antics.”


“You’re not exactly boyfriend material now, are you, lad?”

“Ex-fucking-scuse me,” I gasped, practically falling out of my Seat in my outrage. “You’re one to talk, Mister Seeing One Girl While Pining After Another One Entirely.”


“Hey right back,” I snapped. “Don’t deny it, fucker. You think you know everything about me? Well, I know just as much about you.” Eyeballing him, I added, “Mm-hmm, that’s right, I see you.”

“You’re talking out of your ass, Gibs,” he bit out.