Page 159 of Taming 7

“I’m spitting facts.”

“You’ll be spitting your teeth out if you don’t give it a rest.”

“Fine.” I held my hands up. “Keep on living in your bubble, lad.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my bubble.”

“Except that it’s a lie.”

“Stop trying to turn this around on me, Gibs!” Inhaling a calming breath, Hugh forced calm into his voice when he said, “Listen, you’re out for a good time and that’s grand, lad. But Claire’s over it. She’s looking for a nice lad to take her out and hold her hand.”

“I take her out,” I argued, jabbing my chest with my finger. “I hold her hand.”

“Yeah, her and how many other girls?”

“Are you implying that I’m some kind of fuckboy?”

“Are you insinuating that you aren’t?”

“I’m not insinuating anything,” I shot back. “I’m telling you straight out that I’m not.”

“Says the fella riding the school receptionist.”

“For the last time, I didn’t ride the woman!”

“Sure thing, Gibs. Whatever you say, lad.”

“It’s the truth,” I defended, rising to my feet. “I am not a fuckboy.”

“Then prove it.”

“Oh, don’t you fucking worry, Hugo, I plan to.”


“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Mam said when I walked into the sitting room. “How’s the emancipation treating you, son? Have you had your fill of sulking yet, or are you planning on turning poor Edel Kavanagh’s house into your own personal hotel?”

“Don’t start,” I grumbled, leaning in the doorway. “Are you alone?”

“Yes,” she replied, pausing Fair City. “Keith’s at the bingo.”

“And him?”

“Up the country visiting a few college friends.”

“Good,” I snapped. “Let’s hope he forgets the way home.”

Mam sighed wearily. “Gerard.”

Feeling my shoulders relax a little, I gestured to where my mother was sitting. “And you didn’t go to the bingo?”

“No, Gerard, I didn’t,” she replied, giving me a pointed look. “Because contrary to your beliefs, I am here for you.” Narrowing her eyes, she added, “When you decide to grace me with your presence, that is.”

“You want to be here for me?”

“I am here for you.”

“Fine.” Stalking over to the couch, I threw myself down and draped an arm over my face. “Then be here for me.”