Page 180 of Binding 13

“Get him out of here,” I ordered, dragging Gibsie back once more.

“Your place?” Hughie asked.

“Anywhere.” I ran a hand through my hair in exasperation. “Just keep him safe.”

Hughie nodded and turned his attention to Gibsie.

“Let’s go, Rocky Balboa,” he said brightly. “Before you get us all thrown in the barrack for the night.”

“He asked for it,” Gibsie slurred. “Piece of shit.”

“I know, lad,” Hughie coaxed. “Come on.” Wrapping his body around Gibsie’s, he forcefully walked him backwards out of the bar.

“You coming, Johnny?” Katie asked, glancing nervously between Cormac and me.

“I’ll be grand,” I told her and turned my attention on Cormac.

“Are you sure?” Katie persisted. “You should come with us—”

“Go ahead, Katie,” I ordered, swinging around to catch her eye. “I’ll make my own way home.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I am.”

I waited until Katie had followed Hughie and Gibsie out of the bar before turning my attention back to Cormac.

“You want to talk to me?” I snarled, gesturing toward the door. “Then let’s go.”

Not waiting for a response, I pushed my way through the crowded bar toward the exit, receiving several claps on the shoulders and “Great match, Johnny” and “Looking forward to seeing you in green in June” spiels as I tried my best to walk a straight line.

Doubtful, I thought to myself. Very fucking doubtful.

When I reached the pub door and stepped outside into the street, I was relieved to not find the lads outside waiting for me.

A few minutes later the door swung open and Cormac walked out.

“Not her,” I barked, pointing a finger at Bella, who filed outside after him. “She stays the fuck away from me.”

“It’s a free country,” Bella countered, glaring daggers at me. “I can go wherever the hell I want.”

“Either she goes or I go,” I growled, addressing Cormac. “Your choice.”

Bella opened her mouth to say something else, something spiteful, no doubt, but Cormac spoke first. “Go back inside,” he told her. “I won’t be long.”

“But I—”

“I need to talk to him,” Cormac pressed. “Go inside.”

With what looked like great reluctance, Bella went back inside, leaving me alone on the street with Cormac.

“Right,” he growled, rolling out his shoulders. “Let’s do this, Kavanagh.”

I arched a brow, amused at the fighting stance Ryan had taken. If he thought I was going to throw my career away for a punch-up over Bella, he was seriously mistaken.

Shannon—absolutely, but Bella? Not a chance.

“Put your fists away, ya bleeding eejit,” I barked. “I’m not going to touch you.”