Page 181 of Binding 13

He watched me for several moments, eyes full of mistrust, clearly waiting for me to pounce.

It was almost comical. Almost.

“Believe it or not, Johnny,” he finally broke the tension by saying, “I was genuinely trying to clear the air between us.”

“When we’re both full of drink?”

“Fair enough,” he conceded. “But I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

“You didn’t mean for what to happen exactly?” I asked, leaning my shoulder against the wall of the pub for balance. “You didn’t mean to fuck me over, or you didn’t mean to hit my best friend and your teammate?”

The night air had hit me like a fucking wrecking ball, and I knew full well that without the wall for support, I would be swaying like the tower of Pisa.

“Gibs hit me first,” Cormac snapped and then threw his hands up. “He was in my face.”

“Because you were in mine,” I replied calmly. “Because you were told to leave and you wouldn’t, and because I’m his captain and that means something to him.”

Cormac grimaced at my words.

Good. Fucker needed to feel them.

“And I didn’t mean to fuck you over,” he added, cheeks reddening. “I thought you two were off. I really fucking like the girl, Johnny—I always have.”

“Then all you had to do was pick up the phone,” I countered, words slurring despite my best efforts. “And hear it from the horse’s mouth.”

“I should have,” he finally admitted.

“You know what the messed-up thing is,” I mused, voicing my thoughts aloud. “It’s that if you told me you liked her, I would have stepped back.” Folding my arms across my chest, I glared at him. “I would have respected the shite out of you for being a man about it, and I would have walked away. Bella and I were never serious. I didn’t have a relationship with her. But I had one with you. And you betrayed me.”


“No, shut up and let me say this.” Exhaling heavily, I said, “It’s not that she went behind my back with my teammate. It’s that my teammate went behind my back with her.”

Cormac groaned loudly. “Johnny, lad, I didn’t mean for it to—”

I held a hand up, warding him off with his bullshit.

“Don’t feed me that I-didn’t-mean-for-it-to-happen line. I’ve had sex, Cormac, many times, and we both know that when you put your dick inside a girl, you always fucking mean it. It doesn’t just slip in unannounced to ya.”

“You’re right,” he admitted after a long pause. “Shit, lad, you’re right.”

“I know I am,” I replied, tone clipped.

“And you’re really done?” He watched me with a wary expression. “You don’t want her back?”

I shook my head and expelled a frustrated breath. “I don’t know how many ways I can say it, Ryan. I don’t want a bleeding thing to do with that girl. So, you go right ahead and do whatever the hell you want with her. Just keep her the fuck away from me, keep your PDAs out of my face, and we’ll be golden.”

“Are you saying that to save face?” he pushed.

“I would think you know by now that I’m a straight talker,” I growled. “When I tell you I’m done, I mean it.”

“So, that’s it?”

“Yep.” I nodded. “That’s it.”

“Why aren’t you more pissed at me?” he asked, giving me a mistrusting look.

“Because I feel sorry for you,” I told him and surprisingly it was the truth.