Page 91 of Binding 13

“Don’t you fucking dare—” I paused to grab him, but he slipped out of my grip and sauntered away. “Gibs!”

“Relax, Kav. I’ve got this,” he told me as he made a big show of adjusting his school tie. Waggling his brows, he added, “Watch how it’s done.”

And then he walked right over to the girls’ table and sat down.

For fuck’s sake…

My feet were moving before my common sense had a chance to talk me off the ledge I was about to step onto.

14Provisional Licenses


I could feel Johnny’s eyes on my face from across the lunch hall on Monday. Like the stalker I was, I knew exactly where he sat for lunch each day: the last seat at the end of the glorified rugby table, on the inside row, next to the archway exit.

All through lunch, I dutifully ignored the burning sensation on my cheeks, the same burn I could feel all the way down to my toes, and concentrated on Claire and Lizzie. Because I knew what would happen if I looked back at him. I would give myself away, and he didn’t need to know how badly he affected me.

He confused me last Friday and he was confusing me again.

Why was he watching me? Why did he invite me to that party? Why did he make my heart race so violently?

I didn’t understand what was happening here, and in the storm of my turbulent emotions, I needed to hold on to some semblance of control. It wasn’t easy, though, and that control was snatched from my teetering grip the moment Gibsie walked right up to our table, all blond hair and big smiles.

“Ladies,” he acknowledged in that flirtatious tone I’d become used to him using as he slipped into a seat on the other side of Claire. “How are we doing today?”

“What do you want, Gerard?” Claire groaned, slipping out of his hold when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “We’re trying to eat here.”

“I have something to show you,” he told her, brows waggling.

“I’m not looking at your penis,” Claire hissed. “So stop trying to show it to me.”

“Not that.” Gibsie snorted and then proceeded to pull a set of keys out of his pocket and dangle them in Claire’s face. “These.”

“Oh my god,” Claire gasped, snatching the keys out of his hands. “Your parents gave you the car early? I thought you weren’t getting the keys until the weekend.”

“They caved,” he told her, grinning. “Which means—”

“A maniac has been let loose on Irish roads?” Lizzie interjected.

“Jesus,” Gibsie muttered, frowning across the table at Lizzie. “You’re a barrel of laughs.”

Lizzie merely gave him the finger and returned to her lunch.

Shaking his head, Gibsie turned his attention back to Claire. “There’s more,” he announced, giving her his sole attention. “They’re gone to Tenerife.” He waggled his brows. “Until Monday.”

“They’ve left you to your own devices?” Claire demanded. “You?”

“And you know what that means, don’t you?” He winked back at her. “Sleepover time.”

“Your parents left you in charge of their house?” she repeated, looking shocked.

He grinned and swiped her apple out of her hand. “They did.”

“For an entire week?” Claire shook her head, mouth hanging open. “Alone? Unsupervised?”

His grin widened as he tossed the apple up in the air. “You sound surprised,” he added, catching the apple effortlessly.

Intrigued by their interaction, I leaned against the table and watched with interest.