Page 92 of Binding 13

“Because I am,” Claire spluttered, staring back at him. “Do they know you at all?”

“Obviously not,” he snorted. “Now go home and pack your shit.” He waggled his brows before taking a bite from Claire’s apple. “Because you’re checking into Hotel Gibson for the week,” he added midchew. “Fun times.”

“Oh really?” Claire leaned back in her chair and smirked. “And does Hotel Gibson come with good reviews?”

“It comes with cock, Claire-Bear,” Gibsie announced—and not quietly. “An unlimited supply of five-star cock.”

“Say it louder,” she hissed, slapping his shoulder. “I don’t think everyone heard you.”

“It comes with cock, Claire!” he taunted, accepting her challenge without an ounce of shame. “My cock.”

“Fuck your cock,” Claire growled, looking mortified.

“Of course, you can,” he nodded with a grin. “But here’s not really the place.”

“I don’t know why I’m friends with you,” Claire muttered, cheeks burning. “You’re so inappropriate.”

“You are friends with me because you love me,” he purred. “Because I’m the only one that makes your cheeks turn pink”—he paused and stroked her cheek with his finger—“in more ways than one.”

“When I was eleven, Gerard,” she shot back. “And it was one bloody kiss!”

“I’m ready for a repeat performance,” he told her. “Say the word, Claire-Bear, tell me you’re ready for us, and I’m all yours—”

“Can you stop doing that!” Lizzie barked then, glaring at Gibsie.

“Doing what?”

“Screwing around with her feelings,” she huffed. “It’s not a game!”

“Lizzie, it’s okay,” Claire began to say but Lizzie cut her off.

“It’s not okay,” she snapped. “He’s been doing this since we were four. It’s wrong!”

“I’m not screwing around with her feelings,” Gibsie replied, looking confused. “She knows I love her.”

Claire turned beet red, causing Lizzie to growl.

“Yeah, asshole,” Lizzie hissed. “You love her loads, don’t you? That’s why you’re going around shagging half the school, isn’t it?”

“What is your problem?” Gibsie growled, glaring now.

“You,” Lizzie snapped. “You and your shithead friends thinking you’re cock of the walk. Going around playing girls like it’s all a big game. You’re all disgusting. Every last one of you rugby heads.”

Gibsie gaped at her, looking affronted. “What did Johnny do out of the way to you?”

“Yeah,” a familiar voice asked. “What did I do?”

My heart skyrocketed in my chest at the sound of that achingly familiar Dublin accent.

It stood out from everyone around us, just like he stood out from everyone around us.

“You’re as bad as the rest of them,” Lizzie hissed, not missing a beat as she turned her furious glare on Johnny, who much to my detriment, was pulling out the chair next to me. “Worse. You’re their leader.”

“Well, that’s news to me,” Johnny countered calmly.

He sat down beside me then and I felt the piece of bread I was chewing on wedge itself to the roof of my mouth.

Swallowing it down, I looked up at him, wide-eyed and confused.