Page 36 of Lottie

Then there was the second option: Claim her as his own. Teach her. Corrupt her. Mold her into his own, perfect little subbie.

Maybe his conscience was conflicted. But his heart already knew the answer.

“She’s mine.”

He ignored the shocked whispers from the crowd as Killian cocked an eyebrow. “Is that so? She isn’t wearing a collar.”

“I’ll be rectifying that as soon as humanly possible, I can assure you.”

“Lottie darling.” Again, Killian raised his voice for their audience’s benefit. “Is this true? Is Braden your Daddy?”

A long, tense silence followed Killian’s question. So long, in fact, Braden was just about ready to say damn the consequences and unhook her from that blasted cross when Lottie’s voice rang out, loud and clear.

“Yes. Yes, he’s my Daddy.”





God, she loved it when a plan came together. And while Killian had played his part perfectly, Mr. Elliott had stolen the show. She had a feeling she’d be getting herself off to the way he’d growled, “She’s mine” for a long, long time.

“Ah, well, my apologies. I’ll leave you to it, then. I’m sure you have much to discuss with your naughty girl.”

Alarm bells rang in Lottie’s mind and she yanked helplessly at the chains connecting her wrists to the metal cross Killian had attached them to for their plan. He wasn’t supposed to be encouraging Mr. Elliott to punish her! That wasn’t the plan! “Killian! Wait!”

“Quiet,” Mr. Elliott said, his voice taking on a commanding quality she hadn’t heard before. “The only words I want to hear out of your mouth right now are an apology to Master Killian for involving him in your disobedience.”

It wasn’t technically ‘disobedience’ since she hadn’t been his submissive when she’d asked Master K to help her with her plan. But in order to point that out, she’d have to admit she lied in front of an entire crowd of people. And she had a feeling that confessing her lie would only earn her a worse punishment than the one she was probably about to get.

“I’m sorry, Master Killian. I should have been honest with you about my relationship with Mr. Elliott.”

“Thank you for the pretty apology, Lottie darling. And I’m sure your Daddy will happily impress on you the importance of honesty and communication, especially within a dynamic like yours. Good luck.”

“You double-crossed me!” she whispered when he leaned in to brush a kiss across her cheek.

“Aye, I did. But only because I think you’re a lovely girl, and this could have ended very poorly for you if you’d chosen anyone other than me for your little scheme. You deserve the very sore bottom you’re about to get, little girl.”

“You’re mean.”

“And you’re a brat. Have fun, love. Braden, she’s all yours.”

The shiver that raced up her spine as Mr. Elliott took Killian’s spot beside her was more fear than excitement, but still it made her pussy clench with need. A hand rested on her bottom, and she very nearly whimpered as the seriousness of her situation began to set in.

“Now… what to do with my naughty little Lottie-bug, hmm? Should I leave you chained up while I play with that sweet pussy of yours until you’re begging me to let you come? Perhaps I should send for my play bag so I can pick up where Master Killian left off and flog you until every inch of your skin is nice and pink before I fuck that pretty ass of yours. Or, since you insist on acting like a child at every turn, maybe I should take you to the nursery for a bit and let you be a naughty little baby until you get it out of your system.”

“I am not acting like a child,” she snapped, yanking once more at her chains.

“No?” Wrapping her ponytail around his hand, he pulled her head back, and she felt that same rush of fear and desire as before. “Breaking rules on purpose just to see what my reaction would be, pulling an elaborate prank just so you could get your way… None of that sounds childish to you?”

Guilt wrapped around her torso and squeezed. “That’s not… You’re making it sound worse than it was.”

“Am I? Or are you so used to having everything you could possibly want handed to you on a silver platter that you couldn’t stomach being denied one thing, even if it was for your own good?”

“I think I should be able to decide what’s for my own good.”