Page 37 of Lottie

“That ship has long since sailed, little one. You wanted a Daddy, and now you’ve got one. I own you, Charlotte Duvall, and you’re about to learn exactly what that means.”

It wasn’t until that very moment that she began to question her plan to lose her virginity to a man like Braden Elliott. Even when he’d spanked her that first time, she’d felt safe with him. Cared for. Cherished in a way she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

Now… well, now she was wondering what the fuck she’d gotten herself into.

“Mr. Elliott, I?—”


Desire and fear stole her breath. “Wh-what?”

“It’s Daddy to you now, little girl. I want to hear you say it.”

What had come so easily before now seemed to stick in her throat. The hand holding her ponytail tugged, sending little pinpricks of pain through her skull. “Say it, Charlotte, or you’ll lose any chance you have of being allowed to come tonight.”

“Daddy!” The word burst out of her, spurred on by the threat of having her pleasure denied.

“Good girl. Since you’re already chained up so prettily, I think we’ll go ahead and handle your punishment now.”


“Excuse me?”

There was something dark and dangerous in his tone, letting her know immediately she’d made a mistake. “I-I just mean, can we go to your office? Please, Daddy?”

“No, I don’t think so. You had no problem putting me on the spot in front of my entire club, so you can accept the consequences of your actions publicly as well.” He turned toward a stunning brunette who had stopped to watch the show, her eyes wide in her pale, delicate face. “Ivy, would you mind terribly running up to my office to grab my play bag for me? It’s the black duffel under my desk.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The brunette hurried off, and Lottie turned her head toward Mr. Elliott—Daddy—letting her bottom lip tremble and her eyes fill with moisture. “Daddy, please. I’m really sorry. I just didn’t know how else to get your attention.”

“Oh, Lottie-bug. You’ve had my attention from the moment I saw you at that table with Killian O’Rourke the first night you came to my club. What you wanted, was to force my hand, and you succeeded.”

Well, she couldn’t deny that. “What”—she paused to swallow past the dryness in her throat—“What are you going to do to me?”

“I’m going to do exactly what I said I would do that first night, little one. I’m going to hurt you. Because you were a very naughty girl, and more importantly… simply because I want to.”

There was absolutely zero logical reason why those words should make her clit throb and her pussy clench with need. But she couldn’t deny that her body had exactly that reaction, even if it still baffled her.

Daddy turned away again as the brunette approached with a black bag that was almost as large as she was. Despite the size, she didn’t seem to be struggling, and Lottie vaguely wondered what kind of workout plan she was on.

She didn’t have long to wonder about it before Daddy took the bag and thanked her, then placed it on the podium directly in Lottie’s line of sight. Bound as she was, she was helpless to do anything more than simply watch as he removed item after item from his bag of tricks. A flogger, which she recognized thanks to Killian’s brief tutorial before they’d come down to the pit. Something in a plastic container that looked like a 3D rendering of the spades on playing cards and a bottle of clear liquid. And a silver ring with two strips of leather attached.

It was the ring he held in his hand as he rose to his feet and approached the cross again. “Open.”

“What’s that?”

Daddy cocked an eyebrow, but didn’t scold her for questioning him, which she appreciated. “It’s a device to keep naughty little girls from telling lies, while also keeping their mouths open for anything their Daddy wants to use it for. Open, Charlotte. I won’t tell you a third time without consequences.”

Unwilling to test him considering how much trouble she was obviously in already, Lottie forced her lips apart. The steel ring settled just behind her teeth, forcing her mouth to stay open as he fixed the leather bands around her head.

“Perfect,” he said in a low rumbling tone she didn’t recognize. “I can’t wait to see how that pretty mouth of yours looks wrapped around my cock.”

Another wave of need hit her, and she was fairly certain if she hadn’t been attached to the cross it would have driven her to her knees.

“Now for your next accessory, little one.”

Fear added a layer to the desire coiling in her belly as she watched him return to the pile of things near his bag and pick up the spade looking thing and the bottle of liquid. He ripped open the plastic covering the spade thing and held it up for her to see. “Do you know what this is, Charlotte?”