“What are you up to, Ember?” Branson asked. “Are you planning an escape or something?”
“You think his dads would help her plan that?” Triston asked.
“Of course we would,” Rhys and Fox said simultaneously.
“See,” Branson said.
“If she wants to leave you, that is up to her,” Rhys said.
Caleb growled.
“I’m not planning an escape,” I shouted. “Geez, you guys are ridiculous.”
“Quite the opposite,” Fox mumbled. “Sign here,” he ordered me.
I signed the documents and confirmed my new banking information. I had needed to get a new account that wasn’t connected to my adoptive parents on the off chance they remembered they had access to it and drained my accounts.
“Congratulations, Rubyhare!” Fox said loudly and hugged me.
“Thank you for your help, Fox.”
“Are you going to tell us now?” Riddick asked.
I spun around and said, “Nope.”
All four growled.
Laughing at their faces, I shook my head. “You four are such typical alpha males. I swear. Can’t you just accept that I’m doing something that will be a good surprise and leave it alone?”
“A good surprise?” Triston asked.
“Yes,” I said with a nod.
“That you’ll eventually reveal to us?” Caleb asked.
I nodded again. “It’s part of a surprise I’ve been planning for several weeks. You don’t want to spoil my surprise, do you?”
“Sort of,” he mumbled.
“The wait will be worth it,” Rhys said and clapped him on the shoulder. “I promise.”
“Does everyone know but us?” Riddick asked.
Rhys, Fox, Ezio, and I nodded.
“Wow, that’s so rude,” Branson said.
“No, it’s great because she’s asking for help to do something that she wants to be special. You should be excited, not irritated,” Ezio told them. “If I had a woman involving all of my family to help her do something for me, I would be ecstatic. Ember, if you end up changing your mind, call me.” Caleb growled and Ezio raised his hands and backed up a step. “I’m just teasing. Chill.”
“No offense, but you are a little too old for me,” I said with a smile at Ezio.
“Do you have anything else you need to do?” Triston asked.
“Yes, I need to go to the house,” I answered. “I’m starving.”
“Come here really quick,” Rhys called to me. “I wanted to show you the draft I have.”
“Of the healer’s cabin?” I asked, excited.