Page 34 of Keep Me Daddy

‘I don’t doubt it,’ Harrison barked. ‘But you’ve got at least another six to go. So if I was you, I’d buckle up, boy.’

Harrison proceeded to deliver another six spanks of unerring accuracy. He could feel Benji’s body tensing up and relaxing, attempting to wriggle and struggle his way to freedom. But it was no use. Harrison knew that he had his naughty boy locked in and free to punish as hard and as long as he deemed necessary.

‘It hurts so much,’ Benji said, his left cheek wobbling as Harrison brought down another. ‘I… I… I wish the space station wasn’t broken...’

It was at this point that Harrison noticed Benji stopping his attempts to wriggle free. The boy was accepting his punishment and learning his lesson. With this in mind, Harrison decided to deliver two more spanks to each cheek before bringing the punishment to an end. After all, the whole point of the spanking was to teach Benji a lesson – and it appeared that this lesson was almost learned.

‘And that is just about… that,’ Harrison said, bringing one final clap of thunder down onto Benji’s glowing butt cheeks. ‘Tell me, how do you feel?’

‘I feel hurty,’ Benji said. ‘But… more than that, I feel sorry. I messed up. I’m sorry, Daddy.’

‘Apology accepted, little Benji,’ Harrison said, releasing his hold on Benji and standing up with the boy cradled in his arms. ‘Now let’s go and get that sweet little tushy all cooled down. And once we’re done with that, you can rebuild the space station while I get my fingers tapping on the keyboard. How does that sound?’

‘It sounds good,’ Benji said, his voice quiet and full of humility.

With that, Harrison took Benji in the bathroom and applied a thick, creamy layer of his finest cooling cream onto the boy’s throbbing buttocks. The two of them talked quietly and gently as Harrison made sure to cover each and every red blemish and inch of skin on Benji’s perfectly round butt.

It might have been a painful lesson for Benji to learn, but Harrison knew that it was the right thing to have done.

Being a Daddy wasn’t always about fun, sometimes there would need to be discipline and punishment.

And judging from the way that Benji was smiling as Harrison worked the cooling cream in between the crack of his cheeks, even the stingiest punishment could still have an element of fun to it too…

Chapter 15


Before Benji knew it, two weeks had come and gone. Life on campus was like a dream come true in so many ways. Outside of the fact that Benji loved living in a big house as opposed to a tiny apartment, there was the glorious surroundings outdoors too.

Fall in the city could be a cold, damp time. But somehow upstate Benji didn’t mind the downturn in the weather – all it meant was that he knew he had a big fire to look forward to when he got home.

Benji felt inspired to see how hard Harrison was working on his new novel. There was something so sexy about having a Daddy who cared so much about his passion and was willing to put the time into it to make sure that every little detail was on point.

The only thing that Benji wished was that Harrison would let him read some of this new book! But as Harrison kept saying, the only time Benji would be reading the book would be when it was ready to download from the Kindle store.

Benji did kind of get Harrison’s stance. Benji himself was working hard on his new recipe book and was pretty secretive about the exact nature of the book too. This was easier said than done though as with all the practicing he was doing in the kitchen, there were definitely plenty of hints on full view.

All in all, Benji was finding that him and Harrison were a perfect blend together. They both worked hard in their respective arts, and then once work was done they would come together and have a wonderful time.

There had been plenty more spankings and stern discipline. Benji would always have his mischievous streak and no matter how hard Harrison tanned his tushy, Benji could never resist a practical joke or an opportunity to act a little bratty – even if it meant being bent over a couch or tree trunk and given twenty sharp smacks.

The sex was never anything less than hot either. Benji was enjoying how open-minded Harrison was to trying out the various different kinks Benji had checked off on their contract. Although, that being said it was still the case that Benji’s number one kink was playing with food – and this had certainly provided enough fun times between them…

‘Hmmm, I wish Daddy was here now,’ Benji said, suddenly feeling the urge to have some naughty fun. ‘But Daddy does need his Daddy buddy time too.’

Benji picked Zozo up and gave him a big squeeze. The pair of them were sitting at the kitchen table with a big pile of coloring pens and paper. Benji had been trying out some illustrations that he thought might go well with his recipe book, and so far had produced some nice images.

‘Zozo, I think we’re getting closer to finishing this,’ Benji said, a quietly satisfied smile on his face. ‘I think Daddy is going to be very proud!’

Benji looked over toward his phone and saw a message from Lars flashing up on the screen…

LARS: Hey! I was thinking… should we take a trip to the city soon? I’ve got some meetings at the Science Center, and we could combine it with a trip to The Cuddle Corner? Could be a lot of fun so let me know, okay? Lars XXXXXoooooo

Benji smiled. Him and Lars had become superb friends and it was always good to hear from him – in fact the only time that Benji even looked at his phone now was if he had a message to read and respond to.

A trip to the city.

I do miss The Cuddle Corner.