Page 33 of Keep Me Daddy

Harrison took a moment before losing his cool. Yes, he wanted to spend some time writing, but he sensed that Benji was probably feeling sad that he no longer had a Little to play with. Benji and Louie had bonded so well together that it was understandable that Benji might act out a little bit. With this in mind, Harrison decided that he would play the diplomat and offer Benji a compromise.

‘How about I play Lego with you for half an hour, and then I’ll do some writing?’ Harrison asked, taking a knee and opening his arms out. ‘What do you say, boy?’

‘Okay, Daddy,’ Benji said, immediately running to the Lego in the play area and tipping it all out on the floor.

Harrison could see that while Benji might have accepted his compromise, there still might be tricky ground to navigate. But rather than waste any time wondering, Harrison simply got involved with the Lego and began to build a space station to go alongside the spaceship that Benji and Louie had made the previous day.

While Harrison could tell that Benji was still a little put out by not having his Little friend to play with, everything ticked over okay. And with the space station built, Harrison glanced at his watch and saw that the half hour was up, and it was time for him to do some much needed writing.

With this mind buzzing with ideas and a real desire to let it rip on his keyboard, Harrison stood up and stretched out above him.

‘Okay, now you play and make some more spaceships,’ Harrison said. ‘I’ll be in the office typing, so just give me a call if you need help.’

‘No!’ Benji replied, stomping his foot. ‘Not fair. I want you to stay.’

‘Now come on, you know that we agreed to half an hour,’ Harrison said, standing with his hands on his hips but keeping an even tone in his voice. ‘And we’ve actually gone over by a couple of minutes too. Don’t worry, I won’t be too long. But I really need to do this work.

‘Stinkers!’ Benji said, stomping his foot again and this time leaning over and picking up the space station and holding it over his head. ‘Stink! Stink! Stink!’

Harrison could see that Benji was teetering on the edge of a full blown tantrum.

This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all.

However as much as Harrison felt sympathy for Benji, he also couldn’t deny the fact that Benji was out of line. This wasn’t good behavior and as a responsible Daddy, Harrison knew that he had to clamp down on it quickly.

Put the space station down nice and carefully,’ Harrison said. ‘We spent a lot of time making that, didn’t we?’

‘I’ll put it down if you promise to stay with me!’ Benji said, his voice full of bratty intent. ‘If you don’t, I’m going to… throw it.’

‘Nope, we’re not doing this,’ Harrison barked, his patience immediately wearing out at the thought of being dictated to by Benji. ‘This is not acceptable whatsoever.’

Before Harrison could move, Benji let the space station drop to the floor. Harrison knew that he had to act, and act quickly. This was no longer the time for patient words or reasoning. The boy needed a spanking, and a spanking he was most certainly going to get.

‘We do not throw and break things in this house,’ Harrison growled, taking Benji by the hand and marching him over toward the couch. ‘And your little butt is about to find out why.’

‘But… I… this isn’t fair!’ Benji spluttered, full of indignation as Harrison simply ignored him and proceeded to pull his tight red pajamas down over his milky-white butt cheeks and down toward his knees. ‘You suck! This all sucks!’

‘Save your complaints for someone without a backbone,’ Harrison said, firmly securing Benji in position so that he couldn’t wriggle free. ‘I’m your Daddy and I’ll spank your bottom until its glowing so bright you can see it from another galaxy.’

And with that, Harrison brought his hand down onto Benji’s left butt cheek.

There would be no warmup spanks, and certainly no easing into things.

Harrison knew that what the boy needed was a short, sharp punishment that would bring him back down from Planet Brat in the Sass Solar System.







‘Owwwwweeeeeee!’ Benji squealed, his butt turning bright red as Harrison administered a hard, rhythmic series of spanks. ‘I’m sorry! I’m sorry!’