Page 32 of Keep Me Daddy

Life on campus with his Daddy was perfect, and Benji was ready for more of the same – but only after a nice, long sleep…

Chapter 14


Giving Benji his milk and putting him down for a nap had been a tremendously satisfying experience for Harrison. The feeling of warmth and love that Harrison experienced as he watched his boy slurp down the milk and then gradually fall asleep in his arms was simply magical.

Harrison’s peak years as an author had seen him sell hundreds of thousands of copies of his novels, and draw admiring glances from some of the hottest guys around. But Harrison had always known that his life was missing something. All the money and attention in the world was fine, but it was surface level. Harrison was beginning to see now just how rewarding and deeply important being a Daddy to a worthy boy was to him.

‘He’s got you, hasn’t he?’ Max asked, sipping on his whisky on the armchair opposite Harrison. ‘I know that look. I know exactly what you’re feeling right now.’

‘Hey, is there any point in me trying to play it down?’ Harrison asked, smiling as he leaned over and clinked his whisky glass against Max’s. ‘Yeah, the boy’s got me all right. I just didn’t expect it to happen so fast, you know?’

‘Hell, I know my journey with Louie was different to yours and Benji’s, but I do know how quickly things can change,’ Max answered. ‘Me and Louie had something, then I had to bounce. But when I came back… something changed. And it changed hard and fast. Benji seems like a great boy, but I think you know that better than me.’

Harrison smiled.

It was great to be able to hang out with Max like this. And to do it back on the very same campus that they shared together as students was something else. The pair of them, and their fellow Daddy Michael, had so many shared memories of being young bucks on campus together. They were wild times, that was for sure.

But what had always stood out more than anything was how close the three of them were. Yes, there were plenty of parties and wild times. However the moments that Harrison had always truly treasured were the quieter, more intimidate times when the three of them would sit, relax, and let the conversation flow.

‘We sure had some good times back in the day,’ Harrison said, refreshing his whisky glass and then doing the same with Max’s glass. ‘And look at me now, back where it all started…’

Harrison allowed his sentence to trail off, worried about dampening the mood.

The last thing that Harrison wanted was to get into a conversation about how his publishing career hadn’t continued to shine. And on top of that, there was also the irritation of Dean Hoffman to contend with.

As good as Harrison’s life was in that moment, it wasn’t perfect – not be a long shot. But Harrison didn’t want to bring Max down with him too. Harrison wanted to keep the mood buoyant and upbeat. After all, the two Daddies had just had a great time feeding their boys and watching them sleep angelically in the playroom.

However if Harrison thought he was going to be able to hide his feelings, he was probably forgetting just how in tune Max was to his feelings. After all, the pair of them had been through plenty together rover the years – and it wasn’t that long ago that Harrison had come to Max’s support through some difficult times too.

‘So… let me guess,’ Max said, a knowing look on his face. ‘The new book. And that asshole of a Dean.’

Harrison paused for a moment. There was no point in trying to fool Max, he was far too sharp for that. No, the only answer was to be honest and open.

‘Yup, and… yup,’ Harrison said, furrowing his brow. ‘But…’

‘Life’s tough, man,’ Max said, cutting Harrison off before he could go any further. ‘but trust me, you’ll find it a whole lot better with a boy like Benji. And, you know, you’re still the biggest Daddy on campus even after all these years…’

The two men laughed together.

‘We should do this more often,’ Harrison said, warmth spreading over his body as a fresh glug of whisky hit. ‘And next time we need to make sure Michael’s here too.’

‘That sonofabitch is too busy making millions,’ Max chuckled. ‘But if he can fit us mere mortals into his hectic business schedule, then fuck yeah he should be here next time.’

Harrison appreciated Max’s no nonsense approach to the world. Max was a real straight shooter and was pretty much the perfect friend to have who would cut through the crap and get to the point.

While it was true that Harrison’s life still wasn’t perfect, he knew that he had plenty to be grateful for. And with his writing juices beginning to show signs of flowing more since Benji’s arrival on the scene, Harrison was happy enough to take it step by step. Handling Dean Hoffman was another matter, and one for another time.

All Harrison wanted to do right now was bask in the happiness of having a sleeping, satisfied boy in the playroom and one of his best Daddy friends for company as the evening turned to night.

Life was good, and Harrison was ready to run with it and make it even better…

The morning came and after bidding farewell to Max and Louie, Harrison decided that he wanted a little time to sit down at his laptop and write.

But Benji had other plans…

‘Poo! I want to play more Lego,’ Benji said, stomping around the kitchen in his bright red pajamas. ‘I want Lego! I want Lego!’