‘But Daddy! What if someone sees?’ Benji cried out, suddenly realizing the error of his ways.
‘You should have thought about that when you disobeyed me!’ Harrison bellowed, his voice full of menace. ‘Now let’s get those butt cheeks of yours on display.’
Harrison yanked Benji’s jeans down to his ankles and quickly followed that up by pulling Benji’s rainbow-colored polka dot briefs down too. With Benji’s pale, milky butt on display, Harrison couldn’t wait a second longer.
‘Awww-eeeeee! That’s stinging my tushy!’ Benji cried out, pleading for mercy.
But Harrison was having none of it. Benji’s please would fall on deaf ears. As far as Harrison was concerned, the fact that they were outdoors was not going to be factored into the severity of the punishment. This was a real spanking, and Harrison would deliver it just like any other.
‘Learned your lesson yet, boy?’ Harrison growled, his cock hard and his hand warm. ‘Or do you need another ten just to make sure?’
‘I… I… I… don’t know, Daddy,’ Benji whimpered, the sight of his red-hot booty only motivating Harrison to continue the spanking.
A further twenty spanks ensued until Harrison was fully satisfied that Benji had been suitably punished. It was a thrill to conduct the punishment outdoors, that being one of Harrison’s most intense kinks.
But Harrison didn’t forget his duty as a Daddy either.
‘Come on, it’s time to get you home for some love and care,’ Harrison said, pulling Benji’s briefs and jeans back up before picking Benji up and carrying him the remaining way through the woods and back to the house. ‘There’s a pot of cooling cream that has your name written all over it.’
‘Thank you, Daddy,’ Benji said, his voice quiet and serene. ‘I think I deserved that.’
‘You certainly did,’ Harrison said. ‘But you took it like a brave little soldier. And that’s something to be proud of. Once we’ve got the cream on that flaming hot tushy, I’ll make us a hot drink each and we can relax and play a game. Your choice too.’
‘Thank you, Daddy,’ Benji smiled, his eyes closing and a tender look in his eyes. ‘You’re the best Daddy a Little could ever ask for – even if my bottom does feel on fire!’
Harrison felt genuinely proud of Benji. He had taken the spanking, owned his mistake, and was now showing Harrison just what a perfect boy he was. Harrison was developing seriously strong feelings for Benji.
In fact, Harrison was developing the kind of feelings that might want him to never let Benji leave and return to the city. But that could wait. For now, all Harrison could do was get his Little home.
If only you knew how special I thought you were too boy.
I’ve never met anyone like you.
And maybe one day soon I’ll tell you too…
Chapter 13